Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Forum (2016-2023 model-years). We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.
Couldn't have said it better. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Once we are on the trail or at events and meets, we're all friends. The group photos of a single type of truck can still be created.I think this is a great idea. I love that the goal of this site is to be and is a community and not a place where you look for help only to get rude comments. I think the filter option is great because like @Tyler said I really only care about 3rd gen tacos. However when we hit the trails, it’s great to have more people out there and have a good time. Sure trail runs with all 3rd gens look great in photos, but all that really matters is that we enjoy the trail and we all have 4 wheel drive and the ability to get places others can’t. I would for sure keep the 3rd Gen portion called Tacoma 3G.
This type of reaction is what I was afraid of with this idea. And I don't blame anyone that might feel this way. T3G was created the way it was for a reason. But I'm glad I was able to make my case in a way that someone with your initial reaction can understand where I'm coming from and ultimately be for the idea. Thanks for your feedback!When I read the top half of the post, I pretty much hesitated the change. The reason I came onto this forum was because of small the community is and it seemed like everyone is real close with each other. I didn't really join TW because of how massive it is and just seemed to be a mess to me, lots of information everywhere.
But as I continued, the way you thought about addressing the different makes sense. It's organized and I think it would work well.
Having an actual calendar that can host and organize events like that is a big thing on my to-do list!I think this is a great idea. Like @Rob Daman said, it would definitely promote growth for a great site.
If I may suggest also adding a section for proposed trips and meet ups. A quick reference for calendar of events would be great also.
I agree with this. The bullshit members and posts are a factor and something we will inevitably come across. And the leadership plays a huge role in keeping the vibe of the community the way it should be, which is a problem TW has because some of that leadership (moderators) is the problem in the first place.It's a double edge sword. A bigger community will bring more vendors, potential forum discounts more knowledge, write-ups from experienced users ect. It will also bring ALLOT more dipshits.... Case and point refresh the TW main page at any random time and at least 5 thread titles will make you say to yourself "what the fuck"?
I believe the leadership here can successfully expand. Just remember where it started, rule with iron fist and dont be afraid to ban members purely because they suck!
I agree with this. The bullshit members and posts are a factor and something we will inevitably come across. And the leadership plays a huge role in keeping the vibe of the community the way it should be, which is a problem TW has because some of that leadership (moderators) is the problem in the first place.
Something that is very important to me is staying humble and not letting power get to your head. Those are two things that most people in the Marine Corps do the exact opposite of and I hate it. So that is why those two things are traits that I take very seriously for myself. And as a result, I do believe we'd be able to expand like this without having it become a shitfest. Idk if anyone has ever used the Pirate4x4 forum, but I've been a member there since about 2008, and that place is absolutely the worst of the worst when it comes to this.
Some people have really, really badass trucks. But that doesn't mean the new guy asking about a 2" budget lift or good looking running boards should be bashed. The experienced dude with the truck on 37s should be humble enough to advise him in the right direction and suggest why he might want to consider rock sliders instead.
To be honest, that is actually something that crossed my mind lol.So @Tyler, if you go through the change, do we all get to be T3G O.G.'s now?![]()
Toyota’s Trail RidersThis is getting overwhelmingly positive feedback and it is very motivating.
I understand this is not for everyone and I appreciate your honesty, @17cementpro. That is why I feel I cannot actually implement this unless I am sure I can make it work in a way that it won't "bother" those who are truly only here for the 3rd gen Taco, but I believe I can do that.
Because of the positive feedback so far, I'd like to start getting some opinions on potential names next. I have a list of the names I thought of but I'm not going to share them just yet.
The Toyota Family
Same here. Even TF or Yota Fam for short makes it appealing. Which is exactly the vibe put out here.I actually kind of dig that. Really ties in the vibe of the site with the expansion to include other Yotas.