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My back is chronically fucked up—it’s why I got out of the Marine Corps.

Yesterday I was working inside my camper. Doing some electrical on the battery bank. I was standing and bent over to grab a tool that was at knee height.

My lower back felt like it got hit by lightening. I couldn’t move. Pain was 100/10, all the way down my leg too.

I actually got in the car to let Paige take me to the ER which is very unlike me because I hate doctors and medical stuff. We didn’t end up going but I’ve been stuck laying down ever since. There’s no position I can get into that isn’t pure discomfort.

Huge hit on the mental health.
I know the pain of a bad back. I had spinal fusion in my lower back and still have rods and screws holding me together.
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My back is chronically fucked up—it’s why I got out of the Marine Corps.

Yesterday I was working inside my camper. Doing some electrical on the battery bank. I was standing and bent over to grab a tool that was at knee height.

My lower back felt like it got hit by lightening. I couldn’t move. Pain was 100/10, all the way down my leg too.

I actually got in the car to let Paige take me to the ER which is very unlike me because I hate doctors and medical stuff. We didn’t end up going but I’ve been stuck laying down ever since. There’s no position I can get into that isn’t pure discomfort.

Huge hit on the mental health.

Hope for a speedy recovery and it wasn't something bad.
My back is chronically fucked up—it’s why I got out of the Marine Corps.

Yesterday I was working inside my camper. Doing some electrical on the battery bank. I was standing and bent over to grab a tool that was at knee height.

My lower back felt like it got hit by lightening. I couldn’t move. Pain was 100/10, all the way down my leg too.

I actually got in the car to let Paige take me to the ER which is very unlike me because I hate doctors and medical stuff. We didn’t end up going but I’ve been stuck laying down ever since. There’s no position I can get into that isn’t pure discomfort.

Huge hit on the mental health.

Ah the joys of getting older @Tyler I literally did this a few weeks ago. Talking with a guy at work, sitting in my chair. Turned to say something to him, pinched a nerve in my back. My wife was super worried about me, wanted me to go to the dr. I told her there wasn't anything they can do, other than give me pain killers. Which I'm not a fan of dr's or hospitals either.

Little unknown fact, I'm Type 1 diabetic. So this is mentally taxing almost on a daily occurrence. I'm pretty decent about controlling my my blood sugars, but some days are worse than others. I hate the dr as they are always up my ass about my levels. Type 1 is very hard to control, everything (and I mean everything) affects blood sugar. I always hate dr appts, only to listen to them tell me how to live my life.
Had a cardiologist appointment today. Didn't go. I was referred for abnormal symptoms from the I got the COVIDs 5 months ago. YOLO.
My dr is a dufus. But he's a VA doc. I messaged on the VA site to get some scripts refilled. They refused to, until I have an appt. Ok fine, guess I'll die 🤷‍♂️ My meds have been working fine, they are the ones who cancelled my last appt, not me. Just refill my insulin so I don't die please...
My dr is a dufus. But he's a VA doc. I messaged on the VA site to get some scripts refilled. They refused to, until I have an appt. Ok fine, guess I'll die 🤷‍♂️ My meds have been working fine, they are the ones who cancelled my last appt, not me. Just refill my insulin so I don't die please...
DUDE! Same thing happened to me. They started canceling appointments because of the COVID stuff. I hop on MyHealthVet and they say the same thing or I need to see my Primary Care Team or whatever. It's like well, how about you just refill them automatically and not have me sign on a week before every month? You guys (VA) put me on this crap. They put me on things that were supposed to help with mood and nerves. You canceled, I got discouraged, then you make it such a hassle to refill prescriptions. It's like hey ding dong. If you've been sending me allergy stuff for years, just keep it coming. Nothing changed. They didn't just go away. Then I ask if I can get other prescriptions switched over from my actual outside of the VA Primary Care. Well their word and me being on them for 10+ years isn't proof enough... I'm just trying to dodge co-pays. So they sent me home 10%, then denied it. Cunts.
DUDE! Same thing happened to me. They started canceling appointments because of the COVID stuff. I hop on MyHealthVet and they say the same thing or I need to see my Primary Care Team or whatever. It's like well, how about you just refill them automatically and not have me sign on a week before every month? You guys (VA) put me on this crap. They put me on things that were supposed to help with mood and nerves. You canceled, I got discouraged, then you make it such a hassle to refill prescriptions. It's like hey ding dong. If you've been sending me allergy stuff for years, just keep it coming. Nothing changed. They didn't just go away. Then I ask if I can get other prescriptions switched over from my actual outside of the VA Primary Care. Well their word and me being on them for 10+ years isn't proof enough... I'm just trying to dodge co-pays. So they sent me home 10%, then denied it. Cunts.
UGHHHHHH...I totally feel you there. So right about the time COVID started, they sent me to a outpatient dr. He's basically...why tf are you on these meds. Me: ummm because they told me to be on them. He's like, nah fam. That shit is bad for your kidneys. You have stage 3 kidney disease...you can't take that med. I'll send your script over to the VA to be filled. Me: awesome. Go to the VA, nurse from my team calls me into the office pissed that the outpatient dr scribed me something my DR didn't approve. They bickered about it for like 20 min, they called the OP dr...finally filled my script. That's how all this shit started. Just fill my script, it's not hard. These meds are keeping me alive. IDIOTS

I have insurance through work, I'm about to say eff the VA and move to private sector. Only thing is med co pay is nothing for VA Meds...I can't imagine paying for insulin as a privately insured person. I know people do it, but 30 day supply for my night time insulin alone is about $400...
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My back is chronically fucked up—it’s why I got out of the Marine Corps.

Yesterday I was working inside my camper. Doing some electrical on the battery bank. I was standing and bent over to grab a tool that was at knee height.

My lower back felt like it got hit by lightening. I couldn’t move. Pain was 100/10, all the way down my leg too.

I actually got in the car to let Paige take me to the ER which is very unlike me because I hate doctors and medical stuff. We didn’t end up going but I’ve been stuck laying down ever since. There’s no position I can get into that isn’t pure discomfort.

Huge hit on the mental health.
I suffer from Chronic back pain as well, huge fan of some of the muscle massagers out there now. or oversized vibrator as my lady friend calls it . My Sciatic nerve is a huge problem, but I get bad back pai higher in my shoulders from working with my hands out in front of me my whole life. Back pain sucks......
I suffer from Chronic back pain as well, huge fan of some of the muscle massagers out there now. or oversized vibrator as my lady friend calls it . My Sciatic nerve is a huge problem, but I get bad back pai higher in my shoulders from working with my hands out in front of me my whole life. Back pain sucks......
Have you had a lot of other things done for it?

I've tried...

Physical therapy/stretching
Steroid injections
Burning a nerve
Something called dry needling
Heat/electro therapy
Ketamine infusions
Lidocaine patches
Prescription meds

The one thing I haven't really put effort into is yoga and that's actually the only thing that I think has a chance at helping.
Have you had a lot of other things done for it?

I've tried...

Physical therapy/stretching
Steroid injections
Burning a nerve
Something called dry needling
Heat/electro therapy
Ketamine infusions
Lidocaine patches
Prescription meds

The one thing I haven't really put effort into is yoga and that's actually the only thing that I think has a chance at helping.
My only back pain is from overworking, and being an idiot slouching over my desk too long. Stretching is the best thing possible for me, mostly yoga positions and it takes ~10 minutes a night (another 10 for hand/wrist stretching, but that's more specifically a me issue). Highly recommend. The occasional sleeping on my back on the floor is great for me too, I don't understand that part of it, but it works for me so I don't care.
Have you had a lot of other things done for it?

I've tried...

Physical therapy/stretching
Steroid injections
Burning a nerve
Something called dry needling
Heat/electro therapy
Ketamine infusions
Lidocaine patches
Prescription meds

The one thing I haven't really put effort into is yoga and that's actually the only thing that I think has a chance at helping.
everything but the Ketamine injections.. Plus I am a clean & sober person these days, so I didn't even want the Ketamine, too scared of it..
everything but the Ketamine injections.. Plus I am a clean & sober person these days, so I didn't even want the Ketamine, too scared of it..
I'm with you. Went and saw my VA doc yesterday. Finally got him to send me to a chiropractor. We'll see how that goes.

Let me just say, being diabetic is EXHAUSTING. Severely mentally taxing. My wife doesn't understand, and gets mad at my dr reports. Part of my numbers are my fault, but diabetes is a bitch to control. Not only do I have to deal with that, I have to deal with all the blood pressure medicines they prescribe me.

Basically my body is trying to kill me. I'm probably a year short of going on dialysis. Which is scary. I have 2 different Dr's, that neither talk to each other. So one will prescribe a med, the other doesn't think I need it. It's a awful cycle.

Enough ranting, I'm still alive. I just really don't have an avenue to vent, my wife doesn't understand.
That's a good thing about online communities. Always someone who can relate or understand to some extent without judgement.
This is totally unrelated, but…

I’ve been on various forums since 2004. Something about them just appeals to me (when they aren’t toxic). But it sucks that a lot of them have died off because of Facebook and such.
This is totally unrelated, but…

I’ve been on various forums since 2004. Something about them just appeals to me (when they aren’t toxic). But it sucks that a lot of them have died off because of Facebook and such.

I think it's the common interest. Easier to talk about similar hobbies and interests. No small talk. Share and learn useful information.
Like meeting new people. Sort of like your S/O's friend has a new boyfriend. They want to go on a double date. Then you don't want to because the dude seems like a square dud. But find out he has a Tacoma and actually does stuff to it, now you guys are buds. Not just center console tray mods or someone who says, "I'll never pay that much for that." Even if it was a different vehicle. Outside of these interests, most people think I have Asperger's.
I think it's the common interest. Easier to talk about similar hobbies and interests. No small talk. Share and learn useful information.
Like meeting new people. Sort of like your S/O's friend has a new boyfriend. They want to go on a double date. Then you don't want to because the dude seems like a square dud. But find out he has a Tacoma and actually does stuff to it, now you guys are buds. Not just center console tray mods or someone who says, "I'll never pay that much for that." Even if it was a different vehicle. Outside of these interests, most people think I have Asperger's.
Easier to manage as well. I've used a lot of forums over the years and managing them is way easier than a group on FB or a Sub on Reddit
Easier to manage as well. I've used a lot of forums over the years and managing them is way easier than a group on FB or a Sub on Reddit
I've been the admin and mod for a lot of online forums and Facebook groups. Sometimes when they grow too big, it's about just finding like minded people you trust. That's probably the hardest part. People who won't get all upset just because you make a call and they have to go by it.
I've been the admin and mod for a lot of online forums and Facebook groups. Sometimes when they grow too big, it's about just finding like minded people you trust. That's probably the hardest part. People who won't get all upset just because you make a call and they have to go by it.
I have been the same on local forums. After they got hacked, we stopped using them, about that time FB was getting bigger. We just moved the "forum" over there. Now the last time someone posted was 3 years ago. More thankful than you'll know that I found this forum.

Build threads on fb are hard, plus you get rando's commenting on what they'd do. Or have horrible advice.
Been struggling with my diabetes. Basically me being an idiot. I stopped taking my blood pressure meds, because they gave me a headache. Besides the fact that when I would take them and check my BP it was still high. Thought I had my sugar under control, boy was I wrong. I've been really hard on myself the last couple of weeks. Had an appointment last week with my PC at the VA. Labs came back and basically I'm in kidney failure. It's no ones fault but my own. I've been asking my PC VA doc for a CGM (continuous glucose meter) for the last year 1/2. When I saw him the other day, he's like ohhhh yeah I need to refer you to a endocrinologist. Sigh...why couldn't you have done that when I asked last time? Anywho, I have an appointment today with my endo. We'll see how it goes, I'm sure they'll jump my ass about it. But hopefully I can get a CGM and insulin pump to help with my way of life. My kidney dr is out this week, VA was supposed to send over labs for another kidney dr to review.

Long story short, take care of yourself ain't nobody else going to do it for you. Take care peeps.
Been struggling with my diabetes. Basically me being an idiot. I stopped taking my blood pressure meds, because they gave me a headache. Besides the fact that when I would take them and check my BP it was still high. Thought I had my sugar under control, boy was I wrong. I've been really hard on myself the last couple of weeks. Had an appointment last week with my PC at the VA. Labs came back and basically I'm in kidney failure. It's no ones fault but my own. I've been asking my PC VA doc for a CGM (continuous glucose meter) for the last year 1/2. When I saw him the other day, he's like ohhhh yeah I need to refer you to a endocrinologist. Sigh...why couldn't you have done that when I asked last time? Anywho, I have an appointment today with my endo. We'll see how it goes, I'm sure they'll jump my ass about it. But hopefully I can get a CGM and insulin pump to help with my way of life. My kidney dr is out this week, VA was supposed to send over labs for another kidney dr to review.

Long story short, take care of yourself ain't nobody else going to do it for you. Take care peeps.
Good luck man. Hope you can get that A1C back in the realm of the living soon.
Been struggling with my diabetes. Basically me being an idiot. I stopped taking my blood pressure meds, because they gave me a headache. Besides the fact that when I would take them and check my BP it was still high. Thought I had my sugar under control, boy was I wrong. I've been really hard on myself the last couple of weeks. Had an appointment last week with my PC at the VA. Labs came back and basically I'm in kidney failure. It's no ones fault but my own. I've been asking my PC VA doc for a CGM (continuous glucose meter) for the last year 1/2. When I saw him the other day, he's like ohhhh yeah I need to refer you to a endocrinologist. Sigh...why couldn't you have done that when I asked last time? Anywho, I have an appointment today with my endo. We'll see how it goes, I'm sure they'll jump my ass about it. But hopefully I can get a CGM and insulin pump to help with my way of life. My kidney dr is out this week, VA was supposed to send over labs for another kidney dr to review.

Long story short, take care of yourself ain't nobody else going to do it for you. Take care peeps.
It's not too late brother. You do what you need to do to get yourself right. We're here to support ya.
Been struggling with my diabetes. Basically me being an idiot. I stopped taking my blood pressure meds, because they gave me a headache. Besides the fact that when I would take them and check my BP it was still high. Thought I had my sugar under control, boy was I wrong. I've been really hard on myself the last couple of weeks. Had an appointment last week with my PC at the VA. Labs came back and basically I'm in kidney failure. It's no ones fault but my own. I've been asking my PC VA doc for a CGM (continuous glucose meter) for the last year 1/2. When I saw him the other day, he's like ohhhh yeah I need to refer you to a endocrinologist. Sigh...why couldn't you have done that when I asked last time? Anywho, I have an appointment today with my endo. We'll see how it goes, I'm sure they'll jump my ass about it. But hopefully I can get a CGM and insulin pump to help with my way of life. My kidney dr is out this week, VA was supposed to send over labs for another kidney dr to review.

Long story short, take care of yourself ain't nobody else going to do it for you. Take care peeps.
How old are you? Just generally curious and gauging what I need to expect while aging.
Why does the VA do this shit? I know it's time and money, but damn.
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Good luck man. Hope you can get that A1C back in the realm of the living soon.
I appreciate it, ended up getting a Dexcom from my endo. Hoping that helps with controlling.
It's not too late brother. You do what you need to do to get yourself right. We're here to support ya.
Thanks buddy I appreciate it!
How old are you? Just generally curious and gauging what I need to expect while aging.
Why does the VA do this shit? I know it's time and money, but damn.
I’m 37, but being diabetic is just in my genes. I had late onset. I mean I did 9 years in the army before I found out.
The VA has its good things, but them dragging their feet isn’t helping people. I ended up taking my lab results to my nephrologist, in which they were worried. I have another appointment on Tuesday. So we’ll see if I improve. I’m just trying to keep it together for my wife.
I appreciate it, ended up getting a Dexcom from my endo. Hoping that helps with controlling.

Thanks buddy I appreciate it!

I’m 37, but being diabetic is just in my genes. I had late onset. I mean I did 9 years in the army before I found out.
The VA has its good things, but them dragging their feet isn’t helping people. I ended up taking my lab results to my nephrologist, in which they were worried. I have another appointment on Tuesday. So we’ll see if I improve. I’m just trying to keep it together for my wife.
Thoughts and prayers Brother
I appreciate it, ended up getting a Dexcom from my endo. Hoping that helps with controlling.

Thanks buddy I appreciate it!

I’m 37, but being diabetic is just in my genes. I had late onset. I mean I did 9 years in the army before I found out.
The VA has its good things, but them dragging their feet isn’t helping people. I ended up taking my lab results to my nephrologist, in which they were worried. I have another appointment on Tuesday. So we’ll see if I improve. I’m just trying to keep it together for my wife.
Wish you well and things get better.
I appreciate it, ended up getting a Dexcom from my endo. Hoping that helps with controlling.

Thanks buddy I appreciate it!

I’m 37, but being diabetic is just in my genes. I had late onset. I mean I did 9 years in the army before I found out.
The VA has its good things, but them dragging their feet isn’t helping people. I ended up taking my lab results to my nephrologist, in which they were worried. I have another appointment on Tuesday. So we’ll see if I improve. I’m just trying to keep it together for my wife.
The VA started some new crap that makes it harder to get recurring treatment. I can't even get chiropractic maintenance appointments.