To be honest...not a fan of the new update. The black background with the dark red headers make it really hard to find where the page breaks are (Is there a way to change that, that im missing?). The overall new fonts make the forum site feel older, the previous Tacoma3G felt new and modern compared to this update. Also the organization of the home page on the previous site was easier to find thread posts. I would also make the MAIN header be able to fit all the categories (home, forum, resources, etc.), I couldnt find ROTM until I hit the scroll button, if the fonts were smaller they would all fit.
All of this is my opinion of course

Glad to see the site is being worked on, I like to see that its growing!
Update: I didnt read the new front page until now, I see that color changes will still be an option and the other notes. I still find the overall new layout of the forum more challenging than the previous version, but maybe thats because I got used to the old version.