• Welcome to Tacoma3G.com, a free resource for 2016-2023 Toyota Tacoma owners!

    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Forum (2016-2023 model-years). We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.

T3G Feedback and questions about Tacoma3G.com - How can our community and website be better?

If I was willing to stay in I might be close to that myself. Then again I’m army though so our promotions work a little different I think lol. But I’ll probably just get to SSG before I’m out
I was gonna do 20 but I injured my back so I had to get out at 6. I'm doing cool stuff in this new chapter of life now, but I do miss it. Even though it sucked.
I was gonna do 20 but I injured my back so I had to get out at 6. I'm doing cool stuff in this new chapter of life now, but I do miss it. Even though it sucked.
I feel you. I’m at 7 years now. Just extended for another year to get multiple medical issues looked at and dealt with. Hopefully be able to get a decent percentage so I can relax for a bit when I get out and just enjoy the outdoors again
I feel you. I’m at 7 years now. Just extended for another year to get multiple medical issues looked at and dealt with. Hopefully be able to get a decent percentage so I can relax for a bit when I get out and just enjoy the outdoors again
You have to put in WORK to make sure you get what you deserve from the VA. But it's worth it.
Well I guess we’ll see what happens 🤷🏼‍♂️. Back, knee, wrist and sleep apnea lol. Should be fun fighting the va lol
My heavy hitters were mental health and back. And then I had a long list of wrist, knee, hearing, etc. I ended up with the golden VA ticket. 🤑
I’m not a fan of this:
View attachment 25667

I am a HUGE fan of this design direction:

View attachment 25668
This is still super rough and broken in a lot of areas, but I've been messing with taking what I had and turning it sort of into a dark mode based off of the one that you like:

Not a real fan of the new ranking levels, but it’s not anything that will keep me from using the forum. It just doesn’t seem Taco or forum fun related. In no way am I trying to be negative about our military, but I just can’t relate because I didn’t serve nor really have any direct family that serves(-ed).

I completely understand where it’s coming from and I’m not creative enough to suggest anything else. 😅
Not a real fan of the new ranking levels, but it’s not anything that will keep me from using the forum. It just doesn’t seem Taco or forum fun related. In no way am I trying to be negative about our military, but I just can’t relate because I didn’t serve nor really have any direct family that serves(-ed).

I completely understand where it’s coming from and I’m not creative enough to suggest anything else. 😅
I get that.

I used the old system for about two years but the whole time I didn't like it for the same reason -- it had nothing to do with the Taco. I was never able to think of something better.

The reason I thought it would be a good switch to the military ranks is because we have a lot of military on here and those ranks are generally identifiable by people with no military background (not saying you'd know the exact order, but you can probably recognize that they're military).

I also agree with you that the military doesn't have much to do with this forum and shouldn't really be pushed on people that have no background with it or may think differently about some of the questionable aspects of the military / world politics.

That said, if anyone can suggest something fun, please do!
I also looked into Boy Scout ranks but that is something I literally know nothing about, so idk.

And to try to make it Taco or 4x4 related is kind of tricky. Something like the following might be hard to tell which rank is "higher" than another.

Stock > Lifted > Armored > Camper > Regeared > 35s > Supercharged > Solid Axle Swapped > 40s > Exo-cage

Lol, see what I mean? None of that makes sense.
Main thread: T3G-2G - Development previews of Tacoma3G 2.0

This thread is for your comments and feedback regarding my previews of what is being developed for the T3G overhaul, T3G-2G.

I try to be very transparent with what I do to update or change T3G which is why I decided to share previews during the development stages of this large overhaul.

Your suggestions and concerns are extremely important to me so please don't hesitate to nitpick as much as you need to.
This is the best Taco site I've found. Good site build and a lot of cool people so far. Tried another site, made one post and it seemed like a lot of kids on there judging from some of the responses. Thanks for all the hard work.
This is the best Taco site I've found. Good site build and a lot of cool people so far. Tried another site, made one post and it seemed like a lot of kids on there judging from some of the responses. Thanks for all the hard work.
I appreciate that a lot.
I calls them howz I seez 'em
I'll be honest, it gets stressful sometimes. It's been a little over two years that I've been doing this and I'd be lying if I said I haven't considered giving up a few times.

I think the thing that discourages me the most is the fact that we have over 6,000 members but a majority of them have never made a post. I just find that odd. Why bother joining if you'd literally never revisit the website after you created the account? We don't bite!
I'll be honest, it gets stressful sometimes. It's been a little over two years that I've been doing this and I'd be lying if I said I haven't considered giving up a few times.

I think the thing that discourages me the most is the fact that we have over 6,000 members but a majority of them have never made a post. I just find that odd. Why bother joining if you'd literally never revisit the website after you created the account? We don't bite!
Perhaps a lot of that is how they are driven to the site. May be brought here because they googled a question and they got the answer here and that's all they needed. Either way kudos to you and your work ethic. I have been to the other popular Tacoma site and I found it to be childish.
Perhaps a lot of that is how they are driven to the site. May be brought here because they googled a question and they got the answer here and that's all they needed. Either way kudos to you and your work ethic. I have been to the other popular Tacoma site and I found it to be childish.
That’s a valid thought. And thank you again.
That said, if anyone can suggest something fun, please do!

I'm not a big fan of the ranks either. As someone who wasn't in the military but has a lot of family who was it makes me vaguely uncomfortable. I'm not sure why.

That said, the obvious choice is trim packages:

SR, SR5, TRD Sport, TRD Off Road, Limited, TRD Pro

Or really just level 1, level 2, etc
I'm not a big fan of the ranks either. As someone who wasn't in the military but has a lot of family who was it makes me vaguely uncomfortable. I'm not sure why.

That said, the obvious choice is trim packages:

SR, SR5, TRD Sport, TRD Off Road, Limited, TRD Pro

Or really just level 1, level 2, etc
Considered trims but that will surely confuse people. “Why does your account say Pro if you have the SR5?”

I can drop the military stuff though.
I just spent 25 minutes changing them around and then deleted the entire thing by mistake.
  • I • Lurker
    • 0 total upvotes on your account
  • II • Bronze
    • 1 total upvotes on your account
  • III • Silver
    • 50 total upvotes on your account
  • IV • Gold
    • 100 total upvotes on your account
  • V • Platinum
    • 250 total upvotes on your account
  • VI • Diamond
    • 500 total upvotes on your account
  • VII • Aficionado
    • 1,000 total upvotes on your account
  • VIII • Connoisseur
    • 2,500 total upvotes on your account
  • IX • Paragon
    • 5,000 total upvotes on your account
  • X • Mythical
    • 10,000 total upvotes on your account

This is still super rough and broken in a lot of areas, but I've been messing with taking what I had and turning it sort of into a dark mode based off of the one that you like:

View attachment 25860

Here is a preview of my updated version of the screenshot in the quote above. This new version is meant to be a dark mode of a Barcelona Red theme. There will be light modes and other Tacoma colors (I know the red isn't accurate; it's not meant to be.)

Please let me know if you think this is better than the last iteration and what you'd like changed.

Remember, it's still an incomplete version therefore things are broken/missing (such as a logo).

Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 16.00.59.webp
Here is a preview of my updated version of the screenshot in the quote above. This new version is meant to be a dark mode of a Barcelona Red theme. There will be light modes and other Tacoma colors (I know the red isn't accurate; it's not meant to be.)

Please let me know if you think this is better than the last iteration and what you'd like changed.

Remember, it's still an incomplete version therefore things are broken/missing (such as a logo).

View attachment 29642
Like it! But its missing the header, and what happened to the monthly donation tab, cant really buy a patch a month lol
Like it! But its missing the header, and what happened to the monthly donation tab, cant really buy a patch a month lol
The header is a work in progress. Hardest part, honestly.

I took the donation tab away because it was behaving strange. I've been wanting to put it back but it needs some adjustments. An alternative would be to offer a monthly account subscription but when I made this website I said I wasn't doing it to make money. I would also never hide any features or content behind a paywall, so if there was a subscription, it wouldn't offer anything other than knowing you donated.
Like it! But its missing the header, and what happened to the monthly donation tab, cant really buy a patch a month lol
Here it is with the placeholder logo/header that gives me headaches and a page background that is a little fancier than the solid dark grey. I'm not sure if the topography is overkill or not.

Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 4.29.05 PM.webp
This is still super rough and broken in a lot of areas, but I've been messing with taking what I had and turning it sort of into a dark mode based off of the one that you like:

View attachment 25860
i really like the color palette on this. the pastel colors have good distinction and its easy on the eyes
i really like the color palette on this. the pastel colors have good distinction and its easy on the eyes
Do you like the new darker one I just posted? Because I might end up scrapping the one you’re talking about. Or I could just try to have both.
Do you like the new darker one I just posted? Because I might end up scrapping the one you’re talking about. Or I could just try to have both.
I like the dark more personally - then again I'm super happy with where it's at right now!