Just wanted to post up so everyone knows whats going on. We have about 10 pallets sitting to go for shipping tomorrow and tuesday, with several others ready for packaging.
Colorado has just regulated us to cut 50% of staffing that cant work remotely. As we don't use a big space for most of our stuff, and we share another shop space with other businesses, this means we will be down to one person in at a time. We are working on ways to coordinate splitting who is working when/rotating so we can keep things running as quickly as possible. Katie will still be doing a lot of the emails/social stuff, just from home as she has been for the last week. We are still anticipating all orders from the bumper sale be out by this upcoming weekend. Freight PRO/BOL numbers arent available ahead of time like regular ground is, so you wont see tracking info/site updated until the item is already shipped. If you have any questions, please reach out. Some of you, we are working with different carriers as some wont offer pickup at terminal due to lockdowns/limited interaction orders. So far the whole COVID thing hasnt been super crazy impact on us, but we are starting to see more suppliers have issues getting materials out/in, so this is all changing daily. Appreciate everyones patience and communication.