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    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Forum (2016-2023 model-years). We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.

WarFab B.S. thread.

Things are going to be INSANE this week.
Ash is going to be handling the phones and emails to help Katie out while we try and play catch-up in the shop.
So be sure to give her a hard time! Kidding, she's saving our butts, so if you need tech info just message me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Appreciate y'all.
Whats the scoop on the new hitch skids, same design just new materials?
Yeah, we swapped supplier for the receivers. Went from a local guy that was drilling them to a company we already use for other parts who is just going to machine them for us. Just be a better quality and consistency. We were running into a lot of issues with the other ones and it was just too much hassle for us and customers.
So stoked for no more buzzing or flickering, and more light. Woop!
Only four lights, it must've been a dungeon in there before
Ha just better output. Light prior (still 4 of them) just didn't crank out any worthwhile output. Were super noisey. Took forever to warm up. And the light was way off, just all around bad.

Always looks mid day now, and the new weld table is together.
Whew. Things have been insane. But we see the light at the end of the tunnel, for now.
Have last batch or osprey going out today/tomorrow. (minus the few at powdercoat) UPS changed allowable ground weight so we are having to split into two packages, but its all good, we had a plan for that just in case.
Have about 6 rears sitting waiting to get picked up for freight (the no showed friday, super helpful)
A lot of swingouts getting finished, or close to finished this week.
Should have a few sets of sliders that are buttoned up this week as well.
Tow rig is getting a new fuel pump, front driveline, trans service, and some other odds and ends. Have to pull the flat bed off, the crazy ridiculous wind we encountered on trip to SLO was bad enough to trash the factory welds on the headache rack and start splitting the bed sides. Lots of cleanup, bracing and what not to get done on that thing. Add in the addition of two more Dana 60s (one chevy kingpin and one SD05+) and another sterling, and 14bff, and we are getting crazy cramped. Almost out of space again! holy smokes.
Also dropped off our care package stuff to USPS today. over 120# of supplies from folks got sent over to some boys in the middle east. Stoked to get that out to them, should be good stuff.
Anyway. Lots of emails with updates and tracking and everything out today, and another batch tomorrow. Appreciate yall!
Our flag is in. I CAN NOT wait to go pick it up. We wanted a flag for the shop, but not any flag will do. So called in some favors from friends and were able to get this sorted out. Pretty damn kick-ass if I say so. Ahh. So stoked.
Appreciate ya boys
