Meanwhile on TardWorld... someone posted an opinion which sparked a friendly political discussion 1 day and 4 pages ago, and then this pops up
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Moderators not wanting to moderate so they want to just nuke an entire regional forum... again. Yes I reported it haha
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And as always, Ryan blaming it on us (who never even posted in the AZBS thread over there much to begin with). He's been shit talking every single one of us and all 3rd Gen owners in general since we came over here... and none of us ever did a damn thing to him.
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Apparently he is "ignoring" me for some reason, even though I did absolutely nothing to him. Last time I even talked to him, I was giving him a sweet deal on a big deep freezer. Oh well, what a fuckface. Neither him or his girlfriend even own a Tacoma and they are on TacomaWorld 18 hours a day 7 days a week so that says a lot about them.
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And here we go again blaming the people participating in the site rather than banning the snowflakes that keep wasting everyone's time by reporting shit constantly because their panties are in a bunch in a thread they apparently have no business being in
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