Life has been full of stress and it's not gonna let up anytime soon. After 13 years with my place of employment they're drastically downsizing my plant, and of course I'm not one of the people that's going to be kept. +/- 2 weeks from Jan. 8th will be my last day. Unfortunately everyone is hiring right now and if I want my $13K severance pay I have to stay until the end. Hard to tell what work will be available come Jan. or if we'll be in another lockdown.
Plus side, I was able to save $200 a month by paying of cell phones, changing my plan and removing streaming services. Also, the girlfriend was able to find a place that will save another $100 a month in rent. That was a big stress with our rent going up and 99% of places not allowing German Shepard's.
With money being saved, time to pay down credit cards and bi-weekly pay still coming in after I'm let go, I know I'm in a relatively good situation, but can't seem to remove the weight I've been feeling.
Usually I take hikes and do some photography to take my mind of things but being locked in on 2nd shift and usually getting stuck with 3PM-3AM shifts have really taken that away from me. Oh well, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other and so on.
Keep positive thoughts, it will get better. If the one thing that has helped me over the years is to never stress about money. Losing a job sucks, but when a new door opens it is better. But money comes and goes, life doesn’t. Get out there and go hiking, make time for yourself.
Head up man!