Truth be told - my "off roading" experience started when I was a kid. My family has had a little cabin in the woods my dad built since the 1950's. The only way to get there is up a "trail." Well, my father being the determined (or stubborn) soul he is did not want to haul everything up on foot when we stayed there - so he drove up. The only problem is, we had a 1981 AMC Spirit - which is a rear wheel drive 4-speed manual 2-door CAR!! There were a few oil pans replaced over the years! And this was the car a learned to drive on when I was 15. Sadly, its not around any more.
But from there, I have always had a love for going off-road. Not so much to get my vehicle all muddy, but for the simple enjoyment of being on a trail, going through the woods or places that most vehicles cannot go and enjoying nature and the surroundings.
My first off road vehicle was a 1994 Ford Explorer. Following that was a Ford Ranger.
NOW I have a 2017 Tacoma, and I absolutely love it. There is no comparison to the ability of this truck to anything else. The versatility and dependability, and even "workability" is second to none. It is THE BEST.
I bought this truck in 2018, and my wife jokingly made me sign an agreement that I would not get rid of it - mostly because She thinks I have had too many vehicles over the years (haha). But in all seriousness, over the last 3-years I have put a lot of work into it, and spent a lot of time in it. I have done countless miles and hours of offroad trail riding, camping, and as each year goes by I want to do more and change things to be able to do more, and make my truck even better and I just don't think there is any other vehicle out there that could make this more enjoyable.
Since builds can get expensive, I have been on the budget side for most of my modifications - many of which I have either made or built myself. I have 3 kids so I do not have a lot of extra money to spend. My truck does have a lift, 285 tires, and some nice accessories but lacks some of the bigger ticket items that can be rather expensive, such as bumpers. I have ripped the corner off of my stock rear bumper many times and its currently held together by the screw isle of the hardware store. One of my goals is to be able to put an aftermarket offroad bumper on this truck.
If I was to win I would steer towards a bumper with an optional swing out to hold the spare tire such as this:
Either way - I will continue to ride the trails in this truck, change it and improve where and when I can, but otherwise this truck will be around for a long time. My 8 year old has already said she would drive it when she gets her license. My 4-year old daughter is also my off road buddy and asks go for a "taco ride" all the time. She and I even have a bedtime song I sing to her. "Let's go offroad in the taco, lets go offroad in the woods. Everything is so much more fun when you click it in to 4-wheel drive. etc..."
Giveaways like this always make me dream a little more of the possibilities! My goal is to make my truck as versatile, accessable, and equipped as possible in order to make any experience we have the best and most enjoyable it can possibly be.
"The key to success in life is to take opportunities when they arise."
Thank you guys for your time!
-Andrew Brothers
TacoBro802 (T3G/IG)
[email protected]