Plymouth Speed Shop
2️⃣ Bronze
Hello everyone its Jay one of the Admins for Tacoma3G. Along with being active duty I also help my dad with his shop, more the online marketing stuff and creative design while he builds the custom stuff. The shop is located in a small town called Plymouth, just north of the Kansas boarder in Nebraska. We are pretty excited about being a vendor on the forum and are here to help with any questions you may have. We sell quite a few things ranging from Rigid industries LED light bars, SPC UCA's, Bilstein suspension, a variety of floor mats, Addictive desert designs, Anzo lights, AMP Research, Roll n' lock, Skyjacker, K&N, and Yukon gears.
We will be starting a group buy here soon, sometime after the giveaway when we figure out what item to sell. If you have any ideas comment below.
Please again if you have any questions don't hesitate, DM us, We can get you a fast quote or point you in the right direction, We aren't on here for the sale, we are on here to help Tacoma3G members out.
We will be starting a group buy here soon, sometime after the giveaway when we figure out what item to sell. If you have any ideas comment below.
Please again if you have any questions don't hesitate, DM us, We can get you a fast quote or point you in the right direction, We aren't on here for the sale, we are on here to help Tacoma3G members out.