• Welcome to Tacoma3G.com, a free resource for 2016-2023 Toyota Tacoma owners!

    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma (2016-2023 model-years) forum. We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes. T3G is the passion-project of a USMC/Toyota technician.

How’s everyone holdin' up? T3G's therapeutic mental health and general chat thread.


🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
Times are rough right now. I'm sure it's taking its toll on the majority of us.

As a lot of you know, my own mental health has always been pretty rough, especially since my unexpected medically related discharge of the Marine Corps. I do what I can to keep myself stable, but I definitely have my lows, which is my current state. I have realized that I feel better when I talk about it instead of hiding it, and a lot of members here have actually messaged me in private just to check in or offer help. I really, really appreciate that. But this thread is not for sympathy for me, or to put attention on me.

If anyone else is willing to be open about their current state of mind, I would like to hear about it. It's totally understandable if you aren't; most people aren't. But how are you guys holding up? Are you neglecting things? I have clearly been neglecting T3G a bit -- the forum prefixes are still a mess and it's driving my "OCD" crazy. My truck still has a clunking noise from the front suspension and I haven't bothered to look into it yet. I haven't even been driving the truck much.

You guys good or what?


How do I deal with depression?

Short answer: I don't.

Long answer: I actually do, but here is how:

I just want to start by saying I don't need any sympathy from you guys. This is just a general mental health discussion and a lot of you know my history already and have done so much to help me.

Basically, I have a history of severe depression and anxiety. I have a chemical imbalance. I really can't deal with it on my own, at all. I won't explain where it came from here cause that part would make this get long.

I have been on and off many types of medication and seen many therapists. For me, therapy doesn't do shit. Especially if the therapist is extremely "unrelateable" to you. In the Marine Corps, I've had ones that weight 300 lbs. No, just no. I've had old dying people that have no idea what I'm talking about (sorry, lol). I've had judgmental people. And I've had people with an accent so strong I literally couldn't understand them enough to continue.

There were a few who I liked. I had two young females and I enjoyed those sessions the most. I found that a female is more suited for this than a male (at least within my experiences). And them being young and close to my age is 100% better than them being boomers. They are able to "get it".

Anyway, I don't like therapy.

Medication works, but it can be hard to dial in. In the Marine Corps, I was on two for a while that appeared to be working. But in summer 2018, I intentionally overdosed by taking all of them at once and was in the hospital for four or five days. A lot of the members here probably remember that since I went missing from the forum for a while.

More recently, as of being out of the military, I'm on 3 medications. Been on them for about a year. They seem to be working. You can tell if they are working when you see me on the forum a lot, especially when I keep adding new features. And when I'm not around, I'm having issues.

The reason this RotM contest was posted late was because of a "medical situation" I had. I ran out of one of the meds and by days 5, 6, and 7, I was stuck in my bed with my mind tripping the hell out. My mind was telling me there was a bear guarding the door to my room. I didn't move for about 3 days and I can hardly remember it already. But I went to the ER and got the refill and here I am.

Finding motivation to do anything is so hard. And so is concentrating. In your case, it honestly sounds like Adderall would be a really good drug for you to try to get prescribed to. I used it and it definitely helps with those two things, A LOT. I also abuse caffeine, and while I'm sure my heart hates me, it actually helps my day to day mood and motivation.

The other thing, for me at least, is what the hell is the point of life? I have no desire to grind through a 9-5 job my whole life, doing the same shit everyday, dealing with life's problems on top of that, getting old and boring, and then randomly dying. I'd rather spend every moment making good memories and making some questionable decisions that really don't matter anyway because I'll die eventually (Nick BBP -- u no). I want to see cool shit while I'm still young. Paige and I are aged 29 and both agree that this is the perfect time to explore the world, especially since we don't have kids.

Not to trigger anyone who strongly believes differently, but I pretty much feel there is no point to life. Other than to try to have fun with what you have and manage the stressful stuff the best you can.

Having a purpose? Well, idk. I joined the military but I wouldn't say my purpose was to serve my country. I wanted to, but that doesn't make it my purpose. Paige and I are all about saving the Earth and the wild animals, and we do what we can to contribute, but I wouldn't say my purpose is to fight climate change. I run this community and help a lot of people learn about their trucks, but being a mentor is not my purpose. My purpose is to just get through life, lol.

Final thought: Being open to talking about my personal experiences like this actually helps me.
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I in the same boat as @UploadAdventure . If I'm not at work, in at home thinking about getting out. It seems like restrictions are lightening up just a bit out here so hopefully I'll be able to get out soon.

I'd also like to go visit my family. I have seen my Dad and stepmom, my Mom, or my grandparents since before this thing started. I know this is especially difficult for my grandparents as their age makes it difficult for them to go out and socialize at all, or for us to visit. Plus they just plain love all their grandchildren so to not be able to have visitors is tough. I'm contemplating just driving up (3 hours away) and posting up in the truck outside their driveway for a nice conversation.
Tyler let me first say thank you for bringing up such a sensitive topic to discussion! It shows your courage, transparency and honesty which is what I believe makes this forum the best available!

To give a quick background my mother who took her own life over 24 years ago was diagnosed with manic depression, with that said I understand depression and I refuse to ever go there, however life happens and if we don't recognize the symptoms its more difficult to fight against. On June 1st of last year I lost one of my childhood heros and best friend in my father, what helped me deal with the loss was the off-road community. Working on my truck and heading out to the woods brings me great joy and is very therpitac for me.

Today's times are unlike any other we shall see in our lifetime, and if not dealt with can leave devastating results. Just going to work with all the new measures has sucked my passion away from what I do! The weekly grocery store trip with the wife has turned from an exciting chore to an overwhelming burden!

The best advice I can give to anyone is the advice I tell myself, educate, recognize, then fight like hell! Follow your passion and your heart and do whatever brings you joy as long as it's not harmful to yourself or others. I refuse to believe in Covid, however I can't ignore what it has done to our communities.

A group of us have gone out quite a bit lately to land that is still open, of course some may disapprove, however to keep our sanity it was very rewarding and fulfilling for our spirit, outlook and human nature. Some of it I posted here......


Interruptions are made for miracles! Thanks once again for your service and the courage as well as vision to start this forum! Stay encourged!
For myself, I have good days and bad days. After 2 deployments and seeing some messed up stuff over seas it can be a struggle daily. I take each day as it comes. I look to my family and friends to help me through it. Having 2 little ones who depend on me to provide and care for them has helped me keep moving forward each day. As far as now I have lucked out during this whole virus situation going on with working a split schedule, work one week, next week off. Been able to get a lot of things done that I have been pushing off around the house which makes me less stressed about getting those things done.
With that being said, Don’t anyone on here be afraid to reach out. I may not have all the answers, but I’m sure as hell a great listener.


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I know this is probably a weird and unnecessary thing to say (instead of keeping it to myself and just doing it), but I intend to come back to T3G in full force this week. Neglecting it has done nothing to improve my IRL issues. Actually, it only makes it worse. I miss you guys.
I know this is probably a weird and unnecessary thing to say (instead of keeping it to myself and just doing it), but I intend to come back to T3G in full force this week. Neglecting it has done nothing to improve my IRL issues. Actually, it only makes it worse. I miss you guys.
Woot woot! Let's have a party!!! 🥳
I know this is probably a weird and unnecessary thing to say (instead of keeping it to myself and just doing it), but I intend to come back to T3G in full force this week. Neglecting it has done nothing to improve my IRL issues. Actually, it only makes it worse. I miss you guys.

my anxiety has been through the roof. now all thats going on about 12 miles away... ack
I'm doing good. Thank God I was able to retire from law enforcement last year. This year is nuts with everything going on. My kids are lucky enough to work from home right now. HAHA, kids. They are 25 and 30 years old. Stay strong everyone. Peace.
I got laid off 2 weeks ago and I’m already bored out of my mind. I actually want to get back to work. So far I power washed and stained the deck and painted my bathroom. Also been trying to get the kid off the computer and outside so I’ve been taking her to the range to practice. She’s been shooting for less then a year and she’s doing pretty damn good.


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I got laid off 2 weeks ago and I’m already bored out of my mind. I actually want to get back to work. So far I power washed and stained the deck and painted my bathroom. Also been trying to get the kid off the computer and outside so I’ve been taking her to the range to practice. She’s been shooting for less then a year and she’s doing pretty damn good.
Not bad at all! That could probably be made into a tighter group with breathing and a slow, steady squeeze on the trigger, not letting go until a second or two after firing. This is just what I learned in the USMC and it worked well for me.
Not bad at all! That could probably be made into a tighter group with breathing and a slow, steady squeeze on the trigger, not letting go until a second or two after firing. This is just what I learned in the USMC and it worked well for me.
It works. Just trying to get a 10 year to listen and follow instructions isn’t easy. Lol.
How do you guys deal with depression? It doesnt happen for me very often, but when it does, I spiral down this deep funk that I cant seem to get out of. I have no motivation to do anything and when I make myself do something, I cant even concentrate enough to make it even worth doing. Luckily I have friends that have helped me through the last few days. I dont want to keep bothering them with this crap, and would love to be able to deal with this garbage on my own. My mind is going 100 miles an hour and it wont freaking stop. Super frustrating. There needs to be an on/off button for caring about anything.
Honestly. Therapy is a huge benefit. Talking to a professional can do wonders. Many of the guys in my profession swear by a process called EMDR. It basically helps you reprogram your brain and move beyond whatever funk your dealing with. Might be worth you looking into.
Tyler, god bless you man. It's never easy talking about mental health, especially for us men.

For me, my job has been even more stressful since COVID. Being in the cash delivery industry; we've seen an increase in attempted break-ins of the trucks, false robberies (meaning people jokingly saying "this is a stickup" etc.), customers pissy at us because of this whole national coin shortage, etc. It gets to you when you're constantly worrying about whether or not you're going to finish a stop, walk out and get capped in the back of the head, especially during these extremely tough times.
whoa, I limit my screen time to just an hour or two a day so I missed this thread somehow. Thanks for posting it as it's important for people to see others expressing these feelings so that we don't think the thoughts or manifestations are just our own. I also think it's easy for people that think beyond the surface to fall into depression a bit easier than those that are easily pacified. Trauma, war, and other anxieties certainly will resurface during times of uncertainty which we all deal with (or don't) in various ways. Thanks for bringing up the topic, it's more important for us to talk about the darker shit than it is for us to pretend it isn't there.

Honestly. Therapy is a huge benefit. Talking to a professional can do wonders. Many of the guys in my profession swear by a process called EMDR. It basically helps you reprogram your brain and move beyond whatever funk your dealing with. Might be worth you looking into.

I will second, third and fourth EMDR. It's one of the more successful treatments for ptsd, trauma, and anxiety that I've seen. I've done it and I've also recommended it to someone with a fear of air travel, another with childhood trauma from growing up in a warzone and friends who have served. All with amazing results. Even if what you've experienced doesn't count as being too traumatic the therapy itself is a way for the mind to remove the anxiety, fear, or panic associated with a trigger from a memory or experience. Anyway, I highly recommend it to everyone, even if your worst trauma is just an internet shopping addiction. This shit cures all.

edit: oh and here to extend my (virtual) ears to anyone on the board that ever needs to vent or talk or wants to know more about emdr or alternatives but not post on the board itself. Good luck out there everybody
Those that have trauma related to military or police experiences make my problem look really stupid honestly. I couldnt begin to imagine what you guys have experienced, much less how to process it.
I wanted to say this after reading through some posts yesterday, but I just couldn't find the words to be effective. You nailed it.

I think a lot of people dismiss their issues with the same sort of reasoning, "well so and so has it worse, so I should be alright." The reality is each persons issues are complex and meaningful to that person. They are something that is affecting that person, and therefore are important enough to address and take seriously. Even if that person feels they pale in comparison to the issues of others.
I think a lot of people dismiss their issues with the same sort of reasoning, "well so and so has it worse, so I should be alright." The reality is each persons issues are complex and meaningful to that person. They are something that is affecting that person, and therefore are important enough to address and take seriously. Even if that person feels they pale in comparison to the issues of others.

Exactly. I’m on so many heavy meds for this shit that I’d look halfway normal standing next to someone else who wasn’t taking anything
How do you guys deal with depression? It doesnt happen for me very often, but when it does, I spiral down this deep funk that I cant seem to get out of. I have no motivation to do anything and when I make myself do something, I cant even concentrate enough to make it even worth doing. Luckily I have friends that have helped me through the last few days. I dont want to keep bothering them with this crap, and would love to be able to deal with this garbage on my own. My mind is going 100 miles an hour and it wont freaking stop. Super frustrating. There needs to be an on/off button for caring about anything.
Sorry about this delayed reply.

So I can type a huge response to this but I'll try to keep it short for now.

Short answer: I don't.

Long answer: I actually do, but here is how:

I just want to start by saying I don't need any sympathy from you guys. This is just a general mental health discussion and a lot of you know my history already and have done so much to help me.

Basically, I have a history of severe depression and anxiety. I have a chemical imbalance. I really can't deal with it on my own, at all. I won't explain where it came from here cause that part would make this get long.

I have been on and off many types of medication and seen many therapists. For me, therapy doesn't do shit. Especially if the therapist is extremely "unrelateable" to you. In the Marine Corps, I've had ones that weight 300 lbs. No, just no. I've had old dying people that have no idea what I'm talking about (sorry, lol). I've had judgmental people. And I've had people with an accent so strong I literally couldn't understand them enough to continue.

There were a few who I liked. I had two young females and I enjoyed those sessions the most. I found that a female is more suited for this than a male (at least within my experiences). And them being young and close to my age is 100% better than them being boomers. They are able to "get it".

Anyway, I don't like therapy.

Medication works, but it can be hard to dial in. In the Marine Corps, I was on two for a while that appeared to be working. But in summer 2018, I intentionally overdosed by taking all of them at once and was in the hospital for four or five days. A lot of the members here probably remember that since I went missing from the forum for a while.

More recently, as of being out of the military, I'm on 3 medications. Been on them for about a year. They seem to be working. You can tell if they are working when you see me on the forum a lot, especially when I keep adding new features. And when I'm not around, I'm having issues.

The reason this RotM contest was posted late was because of a "medical situation" I had. I ran out of one of the meds and by days 5, 6, and 7, I was stuck in my bed with my mind tripping the hell out. My mind was telling me there was a bear guarding the door to my room. I didn't move for about 3 days and I can hardly remember it already. But I went to the ER and got the refill and here I am.

Finding motivation to do anything is so hard. And so is concentrating. In your case, it honestly sounds like Adderall would be a really good drug for you to try to get prescribed to. I used it and it definitely helps with those two things, A LOT. I also abuse caffeine, and while I'm sure my heart hates me, it actually helps my day to day mood and motivation.

The other thing, for me at least, is what the hell is the point of life? I have no desire to grind through a 9-5 job my whole life, doing the same shit everyday, dealing with life's problems on top of that, getting old and boring, and then randomly dying. I'd rather spend every moment making good memories and making some questionable decisions that really don't matter anyway because I'll die eventually (@Nick BBP -- u no). I want to see cool shit while I'm still young. Paige and I are aged 29 and both agree that this is the perfect time to explore the world, especially since we don't have kids.

Not to trigger anyone who strongly believes differently, but I pretty much feel there is no point to life. Other than to try to have fun with what you have and manage the stressful stuff the best you can.

Having a purpose? Well, idk. I joined the military but I wouldn't say my purpose was to serve my country. I wanted to, but that doesn't make it my purpose. Paige and I are all about saving the Earth and the wild animals, and we do what we can to contribute, but I wouldn't say my purpose is to fight climate change. I run this community and help a lot of people learn about their trucks, but being a mentor is not my purpose. My purpose is to just get through life, lol.

Final thought: Being open to talking about my personal experiences like this actually helps me.
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If I could stop thinking about things then I think I would be ok. This doesnt happen often, but when it does, it is so draining. Honestly, my dog has been keeping me sane. I love that guy. Never leaves me alone when Im at home.