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    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma (2016-2023 model-years) forum. We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.

Archived We have new Tacoma3G.com moderators!

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
T3G fam,

You may have seen the recent announcement about T3G seeking forum moderators. Well, to my surprise, I got more applicants than I was expecting, because you guys are rad. So, while I intended to add two, maybe three mods this time around, we got five! The way I see it is like this: having five mods might be overkill now while our average members online is about 30. BUT, I feel our future is bright, and I think this next year of T3G could bring that number up to 50-100 average online members. So why not build a solid team and camaraderie now so we are prepared for later. Right? Right.

That being said, our new moderators are:

@JerryTaco2.0 - build thread
@Nick BBP - build thread
@solscooter - build thread
@Romp-A-Taco - build thread
@Jfrisch01 - build thread

Combined with myself, @Malcolm, and @Mr. Nobody (administrators), T3G has a serious amount of knowledge and good spirit behind it. We are all motivated to do whatever we can for the ever-growing 3rd gen Taco community. If you ever need to contact one of us and forget who we all are, you can view the list of staff here: https://tacoma3g.com/members/?key=staff_members

Unrelated, our one year anniversary is right around the corner and I have a different announcement planned for that. But this has been an awesome first year, which is usually the hardest part because it is the start up. Everyone that uses the forum is very awesome for doing so and I can't thank you enough for supporting T3G!
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