You've had the software for 3 years but haven't used it to tune your truck yet?
VFTuner forum is gone because Mat didn't like that people were sharing hacks for it lol. I have the software as well but I've never noticed that screen that you have up. IIRC I applied credits when I went to push a tune to my ECU.
Once you're tuned there technically is no need to update ever again. The only reason people go I'd that there are tune developers still making better and better tunes. For example I have tuned plenty of customers and most are still extremely happy with no desire to update. However I have newer tunes with improved shifting and power, so some choose to upgrade. Most of the time the upgrade takes only minutes.
Yes, I've had it this entire time. Also ended up buying the tuning pack. Sucks I paid for it since I ended up being able to collect all the files for all the ECU ID's. Had that all before the credit system.
Flashed an earlier OVTuned before 2.0 Final.
Then flashed some of the development tunes that floated around TW.
Then VFTuned 2.0 Final.
Now Valley Runner.
I'm pretty sure when it switched I got 9 credits.
My laptop I used for flashing is showing 1 credit. My PC is showing 5.
If 9, it should mean it's 4 credits to unlock the ability to flash/edit one specific ECU code.
Then another 4 credits to unlock the VIN so it can accept flashes.
I ended up having to update my ECU ID from 04B31 to 04B33 at home myself. I don't remember if I had to burn 4 credits each time per ECU ID.
I'm just overthinking ahead. So if my VIN is even unlocked. If I have to buy more credits. Sucks if ECU ID is updated, that you would have to burn more credits.
But I'm asking about what's listed because if it works how it should, then mine should only show the longer number versions of 04B31 to 04B33.
But when I looked, it's showing ALL ECU ID's + others which I'm assuming for other vehicles and they were even for other manufacturers. Like cool, but I'm not gonna use it. So I'm just wondering if anyone's else ended up like this or if you've heard of this happen. The top does show it's a personal license, but it's unlocked the software side of things as if it's a Tuner or something.