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Archived Unexpected downtime today (May 29, 2019)

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
The site has been steadily growing and as a result we grew out of the server that we were originally hosted on. Today I upgraded the server to a much more powerful (and expensive) one. It is supposed to be able to handle way more traffic to the site, image uploads, and be generally faster.

However, an unforeseen issue has arose from this. The domain was also moved which means DNS propagation has to happen. I don't expect you to know what that means but for a lot of users the website is going to look very broken and unusable until it resolves itself.

This is happening to even me and I am only able to create this thread because I am using a proxy to access the website. My computer and phone don't work yet. My wife is able to access the site on her work computer and her brother is able to access the site in New York. It is completely random when your area/IP address reacts to the update.

One thing you can try to speed it up is clearing your browser cache. But if you are having issues like I am you won't really be able to read this thread anyway.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I really hope this is over soon. I've been on the verge of a heart attack all day.
This really sucks. If I knew this was going to happen I would’ve waited until Saturday when the site is less busy.
I've opened the site back up but I know it isn't working 100% yet. I really hope this resolves soon and I don't start seeing server errors left and right.

Besides all this, the upgraded server is much more powerful and should be very fast for us.
usually upgrades are done at night and a back up is ready to restore if shizzle goes down and things happen and so be it.
usually upgrades are done at night and a back up is ready to restore if shizzle goes down and things happen and so be it.
Yeah, I would've done this during a slower time and I would've let everyone know ahead of time.

But it was implied that this specific type of update I did was going to be seamless. Obviously it wasn't and I learned from my mistake.
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