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Archived Tacoma3G stickers and donations are now available!

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
By popular demand, Tacoma3G stickers are now available for purchase! You may also make a donation to T3G, and all proceeds will always be put back into the community for things like more merch, giveaways, raffles, and keeping the server up. Click the sticker below to view the store:


Those who donate will also get a sweet banner under their username to display their T3G support. However, everything on this website will always be fully unlocked for free, so besides the banner, the sticker, and your kind support of the site, no other perks come with donating.

Thank you!

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Looks like it went through , did you see it come across?
Yes, it showed up in PayPal. Was there a section where you could add a comment? Because you purchased the $10 package (thank you!), I'll need to know which version of the sticker you want. I'm trying to find out an automatic way of getting that information from the user.

Also, your account didn't upgrade and show the banner yet. I think that happens once every hour, but I'd like to find a way to speed that up too.
Yes, it showed up in PayPal. Was there a section where you could add a comment? Because you purchased the $10 package (thank you!), I'll need to know which version of the sticker you want. I'm trying to find out an automatic way of getting that information from the user.

Also, your account didn't upgrade and show the banner yet. I think that happens once every hour, but I'd like to find a way to speed that up too.
I think it's instant now. You guys like the dark grey with the blue border?
Yes, it showed up in PayPal. Was there a section where you could add a comment? Because you purchased the $10 package (thank you!), I'll need to know which version of the sticker you want. I'm trying to find out an automatic way of getting that information from the user.

Also, your account didn't upgrade and show the banner yet. I think that happens once every hour, but I'd like to find a way to speed that up too.
I guess we can probably put it in a part or comment section. I’ll take the one with the red border
@Tyler, I didn't see a comment section to specify which sticker, I decided on the white border sticker #1.
Also, the T3G Supporter came up in less than a minute.

Edit* I also get to keep my O.G. status:cool:, I was concerned about that.
@Tyler, I didn't see a comment section to specify which sticker, I decided on the white border sticker #1.
Also, the T3G Supporter came up in less than a minute.

Edit* I also get to keep my O.G. status:cool:, I was concerned about that.
Sweet, I think you’re the first person that has two banners!

As for picking which sticker you want - I’m working on that. As of right now I will message you if you don’t message me first about it. But I want to find a way that you can input during the initial process.
@Tyler I just did the sticker/donation option. Thanks for putting in the time and effort in creating this awesome site, I’m thoroughly enjoying it!

Thank you very much! Which version of the sticker do you want?

And I removed that screenshot for you because it had some of your personal info on it.
Wish I found this thread sooner lol, I ordered my sticker plus the $5 donation on the first night but I thought I must have missed something as I don't remember getting an option to choose which sticker, but now I see what happened
Wish I found this thread sooner lol, I ordered my sticker plus the $5 donation on the first night but I thought I must have missed something as I don't remember getting an option to choose which sticker, but now I see what happened
Sorry about that. But I think yours was sent out by now.
Stickers are sold out! It’ll be an extra 3-4 days to get one if you order one while stock is out. Thanks for the support!
I did the donation but no way to add selection , #2 red thick border. Thanks
Just to keep you guys updated: If you ordered and don’t have it yet, I’m sorry for that. I ran out of stock and had to wait for a new batch. But everyone to this point has had theirs mailed out this week so you’ll be seeing them come in any day now.
Just to keep you guys updated: If you ordered and don’t have it yet, I’m sorry for that. I ran out of stock and had to wait for a new batch. But everyone to this point has had theirs mailed out this week so you’ll be seeing them come in any day now.
I know a local guy who does prints, I’ll get his details. This may be a potential outlet to get your stock in quicker as the community is growing at the cyclic rate!
By popular demand, Tacoma3G stickers are now available for purchase! You may also make a donation to T3G, and all proceeds will always be put back into the community for things like more merch, giveaways, raffles, and keeping the server up. Click the sticker below to view the store:


Those who donate will also get a sweet banner under their username to display their T3G support. However, everything on this website will always be fully unlocked for free, so besides the banner, the sticker, and your kind support of the site, no other perks come with donating.

Thank you!

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Purchased my sticker on 2/14/19, just curious on when/if it has shipped?
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