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Archived Tacoma3G.com's 50,000 forum posts giveaway: And the winners are...

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor


Sorry about the delay in announcing this. I'll get right into it...

While plenty of people were receiving credit for this contest, the top handful of posters were:
  1. @Tacomadad18 -- 406
  2. @Tyler -- 217 (hehe ;))
  3. @TRDcement_taco19 -- 133
  4. @Mr. Nobody -- 58 (hehe ;))
  5. @nickyreno -- 55
And the total amount of posts made across the forum during the contest was a whopping 1431!

Therefore, the winners and prizes received are:
  1. @Tacomadad18 -- $150 credit to ExpeditionEssentials.com, a T3G sticker and patch, and a nice shout-out on the T3G Instagram page
  2. @TRDcement_taco19 -- $50 credit to ExpeditionEssentials.com, a T3G sticker and patch, and a nice shout-out on the T3G Instagram page
  3. @nickyreno -- a T3G sticker and patch and a nice shout-out on the T3G Instagram page

Some thoughts and things I learned:
  • This worked well in terms of its original intentions. We blew away the 50k target and 1431 total posts was more than I was expecting.
  • This is a very simple way to throw some free goodies to you guys every once in a while.
  • 10 days was too long to keep the contest running. You guys hit it hard for the first 3 or 4 days and then I think burnout happened, which is completely understandable. Next time we'll probably cut the timeframe in half.

Congrats, all! And thank you to those who put in the time and effort to hit the forum a little harder during the contest.
I just want to say thank you to my parents for making sacrifices every day so I could become a better forum poster. I also want to thank my wife and my son for always believing in me and keeping me on track over the last few days. And last but not least, thank you to all of my fans. I couldn’t do it without you, you guys make my job worthwhile.
Can you tell who the Actual 50k post was?
I would have been able to tell if I remembered to look when it happened.

Normally, you'd still be able to know if you look inside the database and find the post ID of 50,000. However, I can't do that anymore, because our post ID's go all the way to 58,500 right now, which also means the 50,000 post ID happened a while ago. It's way higher than the number you see because of alllllllll the Chinese spam bot posts I've had to delete over the years.
I would have been able to tell if I remembered to look when it happened.

Normally, you'd still be able to know if you look inside the database and find the post ID of 50,000. However, I can't do that anymore, because our post ID's go all the way to 58,500 right now, which also means the 50,000 post ID happened a while ago. It's way higher than the number you see because of alllllllll the Chinese spam bot posts I've had to delete over the years.
No worries, was just curious.
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