i'm with this guy. i'm going with ome bp-51 full set in the fall. to compliment 35s. ?
BP-51s are #1 on my list as well. Bonus coming up in July!!
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i'm with this guy. i'm going with ome bp-51 full set in the fall. to compliment 35s. ?
Thanks guys! Time to research on a decent 3” lift. suggestions based on first-hand experience welcome!
The BP51s are a good value but come with a lot of downsides as well. Their shock lengths are very conservative, bad if you value travel and articulation, good if you don't want to extend brake lines and want to try to get away with stock UCAs. They come with 720lb springs so they can handle a lot of weight, but will ride firmer than others. You can make adjustments to the preload, but unlike most coilovers, the BP51s require a spring compressor (due to the aluminum body/threads), which is problematic because most spring compressors won't fit in the tiny gap between the shock and the coil. The good thing about aluminum shock bodies means less rust and corrosion in areas that contain heavy salts, and it also helps with thermal management. And the BP-51s do come with compression adjusters standard, but it's tricky to adjust the compression/rebound on the coilover since the coil itself gets in the way.
Just food for thought.
The two biggest cost considerations, in my experience, is whether you can happily get away with AALs vs. full replacement leaf packs, and whether or not you can happily get away with stock replacement shocks vs. coilovers. How you use it determines which of those two things applies... from there you can start planning your suspension out based on budget.
Biggest mistake people make is misjudging or disregarding their actual intended use by either assuming they need the absolute best, most bombproof system in the world to drive around town and pick the kids up from school every day or the opposite, thinking they can get away with 5100s and an add-a-leaf to do cross-country off-roading with 600 pounds of gear in the back of their truck.
No problem Ashlie.THANK YOU for this! Someone suggested to me that all I needed for what I wanted was 5100s... Not so, First of all, I am one that doesn't like to buy and build twice. Also, this truck will be used for long trips, and gear in the back. I DO go offroad and you never know what you find sometimes. Yes, it is also my daily, and there are days I drive a lot, but, it was not bought for grocery trips. My truck is brand new and no mods yet. What would be your suggestion on suspension, and then tires and wheels? I have been driving a Jeep for the last years, and the set ups seem so different! I am a newbie again, and hate it!