It took a little longer than expected, but we’re back up and running on the new server.
I moved servers because the old one would often go down for about 5 minutes, multiple times a week, for no reason. Unacceptable.
So I moved to a different provider but I also upgraded the power of the server by a very large amount. This should mean faster loading. Let me know if images seem to load faster for you now or if they seem the same. Either way, I’m still looking into ways to better optimize the images in posts so they load even faster.
Let me know if anything weird happens. I’m still finishing up a few more things to get the new server fully optimized to the forum’s database.
I moved servers because the old one would often go down for about 5 minutes, multiple times a week, for no reason. Unacceptable.
So I moved to a different provider but I also upgraded the power of the server by a very large amount. This should mean faster loading. Let me know if images seem to load faster for you now or if they seem the same. Either way, I’m still looking into ways to better optimize the images in posts so they load even faster.
Let me know if anything weird happens. I’m still finishing up a few more things to get the new server fully optimized to the forum’s database.