Professional Asian
2️⃣ Bronze
[Long story short.... If your back hurts from the seat, try this!]
If you think this is unsafe or stupid, no need to let me know. I get it.
Like many others, I don't find the seating position to be comfortable. I'm young and in good shape, but my lower back would hurt after driving more than just a few minutes... (Not a problem I experienced in my '04 Dodge 2500 even with a crappy seat) I'm 6'0 and my legs are just too dang long to deal with a seat that low/close to the pedals. No support on my thighs/hips. I could slide all the way back, but then barely reach the steering wheel... lol.
I found someone selling seat spacers... but I decided I didn't want to wait, so I went the ghetto route and stacked five 3/16" spacers underneath the rear seat rail bolts (You have to get longer bolts- M10x1.25x50mm). All in all, it cost me around $10 and 5 minutes of "labor", lol. It made a world of a difference and I'm much more eager to take my truck on road trips now! No more back pain.
After living with this setup for a few thousand miles I think I may even add one or two more spacers for a slight height increase.
Hope this helps someone!
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