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Archived Rig of the Month will be a little different for the remainder of 2020 (Good news!)

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
Hey guys, I have some end of the year RotM changes and info on Rig of the Year and calendar to share.

Rig of the Month: Bonus votes for November and December
Rig of the Month has probably been one of my favorite additions to T3G since T3G's launch. I look forward to them every month even though I know I won't be winning anything. But unfortunately, I know some of you feel the same way about not winning anything. Maybe you've submitted a photo one or more times this year and maybe you came close to winning a few times, to no avail.

I've come up with a plan to help with that. Have you ever taken a written test and the instructor decided to grade on a curve? Me neither; I dropped out of college twice. BUT... We're going to try that with RotM.

Enter: Bonus votes!

For the remainder of the year (two more contests if you do the math) I will be giving 3 bonus votes to every RotM entry that meet the following criteria:
  • November and December Rig of the Month entries will receive 3 bonus votes for members that...
    • Have submitted a photo to RotM one or more times previously in 2020, but haven't won.
    • Have 40 or more posts on their forum account. (This is just to target our active members over those that only come online for RotM and then leave until the next one.)

But, Tyler... that's not fair!

Yes it is. You can still win the contest without qualifying for the 3 bonus votes. Here are two ways it could play out:

The contest ends and Member A is first place with 20 votes while Member B is second place with 16 votes. Member A doesn't qualify for bonus votes so their total remains 20. Member B qualifies for bonus votes so their total changes to 19. Member A was first place, stays first place, and wins.


The contest ends and Member A is first place with 17 votes while Member B is second place with 16 votes. Member A doesn't qualify for bonus votes so their total remains 17. Member B qualifies for bonus votes so their total changes to 19. Member A was first place but the bonus votes push Member B to first and they take the win thanks to the bonus votes.

(The same concept applies if both Member A and Member B qualify for bonus votes.)

Rig of the Month: November and December timeline and themes
Because we want to run Rig of the Year and get the 2021 calendar out before 2021 starts, November and December's RotM contests will run back to back.

November's contest will be open for submissions by November 3 and December's contest will immediately follow (likely on November 14).

Also, I'm going to let you know what the themes will be, right now. I don't usually announce the themes early but this is my little holiday gift for RotM'ers. November will be a "no theme" month (any type of photo is fine) and December's theme will be "Fun in the Sun" (photos of your truck on the beach, in the desert, near water in sunny climates, etc).

Rig of the Year: How the contest and 2021 calendar will work
Rig of the Year will be the final contest for 2020. It will occur shortly after December's RotM ends. The 2020 Rig of the Month winning photos will be the 12 entires, automatically submitted by me. The voting phase will work as it usually does and one truck will become Rig of the Year!

The RotY winner will receive something extra special (perhaps a Jeep Gladiator) and will be the cover photo on the calendar.

The calendar will use the 12 RotM winning photos for their respective months. Those 12 members will receive the calendar for free and all other members will be able to purchase one if they want one (pricing and purchasing process TBD).

More info on RotY and the calendar coming later in the year.

I hope you guys are as excited for the remainder of 2020's RotM shenanigans as I am!
Hey guys, I have some end of the year RotM changes and info on Rig of the Year and calendar to share.

Rig of the Month: Bonus votes for November and December
Rig of the Month has probably been one of my favorite additions to T3G since T3G's launch. I look forward to them every month even though I know I won't be winning anything. But unfortunately, I know some of you feel the same way about not winning anything. Maybe you've submitted a photo one or more times this year and maybe you came close to winning a few times, to no avail.

I've come up with a plan to help with that. Have you ever taken a written test and the instructor decided to grade on a curve? Me neither; I dropped out of college twice. BUT... We're going to try that with RotM.

Enter: Bonus votes!

For the remainder of the year (two more contests if you do the math) I will be giving 3 bonus votes to every RotM entry that meet the following criteria:
  • November and December Rig of the Month entries will receive 3 bonus votes for members that...
    • Have submitted a photo to RotM one or more times previously in 2020, but haven't won.
    • Have 40 or more posts on their forum account. (This is just to target our active members over those that only come online for RotM and then leave until the next one.)

But, Tyler... that's not fair!

Yes it is. You can still win the contest without qualifying for the 3 bonus votes. Here are two ways it could play out:

The contest ends and Member A is first place with 20 votes while Member B is second place with 16 votes. Member A doesn't qualify for bonus votes so their total remains 20. Member B qualifies for bonus votes so their total changes to 19. Member A was first place, stays first place, and wins.


The contest ends and Member A is first place with 17 votes while Member B is second place with 16 votes. Member A doesn't qualify for bonus votes so their total remains 17. Member B qualifies for bonus votes so their total changes to 19. Member A was first place but the bonus votes push Member B to first and they take the win thanks to the bonus votes.

(The same concept applies if both Member A and Member B qualify for bonus votes.)

Rig of the Month: November and December timeline and themes
Because we want to run Rig of the Year and get the 2021 calendar out before 2021 starts, November and December's RotM contests will run back to back.

November's contest will be open for submissions by November 3 and December's contest will immediately follow (likely on November 14).

Also, I'm going to let you know what the themes will be, right now. I don't usually announce the themes early but this is my little holiday gift for RotM'ers. November will be a "no theme" month (any type of photo is fine) and December's theme will be "Fun in the Sun" (photos of your truck on the beach, in the desert, near water in sunny climates, etc).

Rig of the Year: How the contest and 2021 calendar will work
Rig of the Year will be the final contest for 2020. It will occur shortly after December's RotM ends. The 2020 Rig of the Month winning photos will be the 12 entires, automatically submitted by me. The voting phase will work as it usually does and one truck will become Rig of the Year!

The RotY winner will receive something extra special (perhaps a Jeep Gladiator) and will be the cover photo on the calendar.

The calendar will use the 12 RotM winning photos for their respective months. Those 12 members will receive the calendar for free and all other members will be able to purchase one if they want one (pricing and purchasing process TBD).

More info on RotY and the calendar coming later in the year.

I hope you guys are as excited for the remainder of 2020's RotM shenanigans as I am!
Sign me up for a calendar!! I’ll submit what I can!
Should have RotM open today. Just waiting for one more logistical thing.
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