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Archived Rig of the Month theme ideas for 2021

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How bout a Taco w/trailer jump👍🏾😉😎
"Half naked person laying across the hood like in old time tool calendars" is a classic. I can only imagine how horribly wrong it would go with this crowd. It would be GLORIOUS!

EDIT: That seems like a good one for April
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Maybe the themes could be coordinated with special holidays/seasons during that month since it could turn into a calendar.

February - red Tacos, or twinning tacos (Valentines)
March - open theme
April - wet/water theme (April showers) or funny photos (April Fool’s)
May - open theme
June - summer, sun
July - red, white, blue + fireworks bonus (4th of July)
August - Open theme
September - open theme
October - Halloween, black/white
November - Fall, thanksgiving, familytheme
December - Winter theme, snow mountains

(I just put open themes for months I can’t quickly come up with anything.)

also, maybe all the months could be open to any submissions, but you would get bonus points for applying your submission to the theme of the month
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