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Archived Quick T3G update -- Where have I been? Rig of the Month? TacomaPortal?

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
Hey all,

Been a minute since I've made an official post regarding the website, so I'm making this thread to quickly address that.

Short version: I spent the last 100 days traveling the country and attending all overland related events that happened this summer. I thought it would be easy to continue to work on the website while living on the road but I was wrong. Turns out; finding the time, energy, and especially sufficient cell service to work on the website was harder than I expected it to be. Now I'm back home for the winter and will be working on website stuff as usual. Also, I never opened the voting thread for Rig of the Month: August. I decided to take a two month break from RotM when I realized how busy this summer was for me. The two missing months (August and September) will be the speciality pages in the Rig of the Year calendar, which is the same thing I did last year. The photos that were submitted in August will be moved to a voting thread for October.

Longer version: The longer version of the TacomaPortal stuff will be part of a separate upcoming thread. The longer version of what I did this summer (over 13,000 miles in 100 days), will also be a separate thread when I can get to it.

This was one of the best summers @Paige and I have ever had and it would not have been possible without my Tacoma! With that being said, I am SO excited to be able to focus on the website again (and have real wifi). Paige can confirm this because I don't shut up about website related things that I think of, even when I'm supposed to be enjoying the beautiful off-grid landscapes that we called home for the last few months. 🤓
Thanks! I’ll re-open the submission thread before the voting begins. You’ll see the alert that submissions opened again.
Ok awesome! I’m fairly new to the page and haven’t participated in one before, are there any stipulations, prerequisites, or any specifics for these?
Ok awesome! I’m fairly new to the page and haven’t participated in one before, are there any stipulations, prerequisites, or any specifics for these?
The main thing is that your account needs 10 or more posts to be able to submit a photo, which you obviously already have. 👍

The full "terms" that I put in the main thread every month:
How does it work?
  • You can submit one photo of your truck to this submission thread (fitting the theme, if applicable), which will become your submission
  • In a few days, I will close this submission thread and open a voting thread, then voting will commence
  • After a few days of voting, the winner will be announced and contacted about their prizes
What does the winner receive?
  • Please read the green text above to learn about the main prize for this month
  • Your photo on the homepage of the website for the remainder of the month
  • Your photo in the 2023 Tacoma3G calendar
  • A Tacoma3G sticker
  • An orange username
  • A "Rig of the Month" badge under your username
  • An entry into our Rig of the Year contest
Submission rules
    • If you're unable to reply to this thread, it's because you don't have the 10 posts yet. However, if you are a "T3G Supporter", you will bypass this post count restriction
  • Please submit high quality photos that are not edited to add a fake background, text, or other graphics to the image
    • However, you may edit your photo to adjust lighting, color, shadows, etc.
  • You can only submit one photo per month and you will not be able to change the photo after it has been submitted
  • If you have won RotM in 2022 previously, you are not eligible to win again until January 2023
    • While you may not win twice in one year, you may still submit a photo each month for fun
    • The forum staff and our authorized vendors are not eligible to win the contest but may also submit a photo for fun
  • All photos must comply with the Tacoma3G.com Forum Guidelines
    • Specifically, this means: no political, religious, or NSFW content should be visible in your photo
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