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PSA: If you have aftermarket leaf springs, go check your gas tank for damage!


🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
I installed new leaf springs a few months ago and recently noticed a decent size gash on my gas tank. This is being caused by a manufacturer error of putting this particular bolt in backwards. I made an Instagram PSA story and had around 6 other people message me that they found out they too have a damaged tank. The people that messaged me are running a few different brands so this does not appear to be exclusive to the brand I am running.

The solution is obviously to just turn the bolt around so the head of the bolt is near the gas tank and the longer side with the threads are on the other side. The damage on the gas tank is cause for concern, yes, although it shouldn't be significant enough to cause any future problems. It still sucks that some of us now have a damaged gas tank nevertheless.

If you are running any brand aftermarket leaf springs, go check your truck. You may need to turn the bolt around!

Did you post this on the FB groups and IG too?

Nice looking out for others! 👍
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I put it on the IG story. With over 60k followers, it was only seen by around 3,000 people. Still worth letting people know though.
I didn't see the insta story but got the topic notification for here just now.
I think insta only shows you stories of profiles you recently visited.
Thanks for the heads up though dude.
what is the solution? interested
The solution I received from my particular manufacturer is to simply put the truck on a jack stand and switch the orientation of the bolt. I was also told that the damage to the tank will be a non-issue.
...Non issue maybe but I'd still put a couple of layers of paint on it to stop rust starting sooner. ;)
I might be wrong, but isn’t the tank a composite material like the bed?
It is, so no rust. I understand that the tank is thick and the gash is relatively not that deep. But because it is the gas tank of all things, I still feel uneasy about it.
100% agree. Holes can still put you in danger. I’m actually about to check my OME leafs.

It is, so no rust. I understand that the tank is thick and the gash is relatively not that deep. But because it is the gas tank of all things, I still feel uneasy about it.
It is, so no rust. I understand that the tank is thick and the gash is relatively not that deep. But because it is the gas tank of all things, I still feel uneasy about it.
It is, so no rust. I understand that the tank is thick and the gash is relatively not that deep. But because it is the gas tank of all things, I still feel uneasy about it.

Yeah the tank is designed and made that thick for a reason. I’d be annoyed too. The tank now has to deal with a an area that is less thick than the rest. The expansion and contraction of the tank in the weather would be my issue. That’s something they shouldn’t mess around with. Maybe take a 20 gallon fire hazard more serious??
Yeah the tank is designed and made that thick for a reason. I’d be annoyed too. The tank now has to deal with a an area that is less thick than the rest. The expansion and contraction of the tank in the weather would be my issue. That’s something they shouldn’t mess around with. Maybe take a 20 gallon fire hazard more serious??
Honestly, this is how I feel.
I checked my Dakar springs. No issue with it there. Appears they actually threaded the keeper on the tank side and there is no need for a nut. It's a flush fit on the tank side. +1 for Dakar. Brings them back up to -2 🤣
deng it.....im gonna have to check my rig this weekend. Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the many!! It never dawned on me to check this.