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    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Forum (2016-2023 model-years). We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.

Archived Paid memberships, membership perks, donations -- feedback needed

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
Hey guys. So you all know I messaged you about this topic. I received an overwhelming amount of great opinions and ideas (over 100!). It has been a lot of work to get it up and running. I was able to expand payment options too. It was only PayPal, but now you'll be able to choose to securely pay with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. I'm still working on streamlining the subscription/donation options but I'm almost ready to go live with it. I do have some extra questions for you all, thus this thread.

Although there's a handful of your replies that I still haven't had the time to reply to (and I will), I did take notes. I put together everyone's ideas to kind of get an idea of the general consensus about pricing, perks, methods, etc.

Some folks were confused about one thing, so just to reiterate: The site will always be completely free to use for those who choose to not donate. I don't expect anyone to want to and/or be financially capable of contributing, which is why this will always be optional.

With that being said, one of the most common suggestions is to give small perks to those who subscribe or make larger donations. Some of your guys' ideas for perks were:
  • Rig of the Month access; the RotM contest is now only for members who have the blue "T3G Supporter" username
    • This would prevent contest entires from members who essentially only come to the site for the contest and then disappear again until the next contest
  • Exclusive discounts from vendors
    • I would be willing to put in the time and effort to form partnerships with vendors who are willing to provide permanent discounts for "T3G Supporters"
  • A buy/sell/trade section that can only be used by "T3G Supporters"
    • This would keep the quality of items for sale and reliability of transactions a bit more desirable
  • A special URL for your build thread
  • A private section for "T3G Supporters" to talk about whatever they'd like. Similarly, someone today brought up the idea of having a built in chat box so we can talk in realtime. That is something I can do
  • A special shirt, hat, sticker, etc.
  • The ability to give yourself a custom user title. Where it says "✓ • Mythical" under my name, you would be able to write whatever you want instead
  • The ability to change the color of the website, which you can do now, but this would then be only for "T3G Supporters" and more colors would be added

There was a bunch more of these ideas. But I want to ask again in this thread, are you guys generally ok with some of those? Do you have any other suggestions for perks?

The other thing I'd like input on is the presentation. Please give me your opinions about:
  • The best name for members who contribute. Ideas are:
    • Keep it as "Supporter"
    • Patron
    • Subscriber
    • Premium
    • Contributor
  • I considered having subscribing members displayed in a new color (like a darker blue or purple) but I think they should just stay as the current blue for simplicity. Unless you guys want a new color lol

When I started writing this post I had a few more things I was going to ask about and now I forgot. But if you don't mind, please chime in because some of these things are the finishing touches before I can go live with the system. (y)
To be honest I am not a proponent of social media. I come and go to break up the day. Help if I can. I wouldn’t be a contributor.
I do think the ideas are valid but timing isn’t now. There are other sites that are free but rampant with redundant questions and poorly moderated.
If it were me I would concentrate right now on creating some sort of sticky if you will for repetitive posted that must be read before a question could be asked. I would also designate some moderators so that you could concentrate on other things that pertain to the site.
Shoring up the foundation and taking your time will guarantee success down the road.
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Personally, I would just keep it as "supporter" but to be honest, it really doesn't matter to me. The fact is, Facebook has taken it's toll on stand alone forums. This is in spite of the fact that stand alone forums are much better for the end user. If you visit a Facebook site, it is just a list of posts with no organization to it. A site like this allows you to create specific topic areas and that makes it much easier to follow and get the answers that you are looking for. I've been running my VentureRider site for almost 15 years now. Most people have no idea how much time is involved in building and maintaining such a site not to even mention the cost. Yes, many sites are FREE but the ones that are free are covered with advertising banners and etc. I let my members vote on it years ago and the overwhelming majority. absolutely did NOT want all the advertising, a little is OK though. I went with a subscription model. I change X amount per year, a very small amount actually, and have had very few, almost no, complaints. Those who support have "Supporting Member" below their names. It is all automated. When people subscribe, they are charged the yearly fee. I offer a 60 day free trial. When the trial is over, they automatically get changed to the "expired member" tag. They are "Trial Members" until then. Trial members can post, search, etc. but cannot PM other members, see the members list, etc. That prevents anybody from doing up and then spamming the supporting members from the list. Once the trial membership is over, if they don't join, they can still access and read the forum but are unable to post or search the topics. It has worked well for us and has also virtually eliminated spammers. Before that, I was always deleting people who signed up simply to try to sell a product or personal items. Now there is a Classified section which only Supporting Members can post to. Items posted for sale in any other section are immediately deleted. For my site, I charge only 12.00 per year. That is a dollar a month. Most anybody can afford that but the spammers stay away. The few that do sign up, are quickly removed and banned. As for all your other suggestions, I think I have implemented most of them on my own site except for the special Shirts and etc.
NO to make specialize colors to donors…! Do not separate us! May cause a riff!

I believe if using advertising…limit to Tacoma Aftermarket companies, thing related to truck builds, NO to Toyota car sale companies.. keep Ads restricted…to thing that pertains to the Tacoma owners..

T-shirt ,mugs, others. ..with your logo..designs on them…. In our fishing club , We had our t-shirts made with new designs every year, sold more… Our artist (talented) was a fisherman…he new what we wanted…
Finding a talented artist…who understands “Off Roading”…maybe hard to find, but worth it!

Maybe if your state allows for cash prizes? ..$5.00 per ticket? & keep a portion?
those are all good ideas,

rotm should be limited to supporters, that makes it special for those that "donate" and they reap the rewards of their "donation"

exclusive discounts are good as well but might not entice new people from joining who don't want to donate

buy/sell/trade would be a good members only perk. keeps people more honest and the fly by nighters from just selling stuff.

special url for build is a great idea. I love that.

private section, is a good idea. that could entice more people to "donate"

ability to change colors on the site is ok not that special to make a donation for.

all the rest on changing the tag or color is superfluous to me.
Hey guys. So you all know I messaged you about this topic. I received an overwhelming amount of great opinions and ideas (over 100!). It has been a lot of work to get it up and running. I was able to expand payment options too. It was only PayPal, but now you'll be able to choose to securely pay with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. I'm still working on streamlining the subscription/donation options but I'm almost ready to go live with it. I do have some extra questions for you all, thus this thread.

Although there's a handful of your replies that I still haven't had the time to reply to (and I will), I did take notes. I put together everyone's ideas to kind of get an idea of the general consensus about pricing, perks, methods, etc.

Some folks were confused about one thing, so just to reiterate: The site will always be completely free to use for those who choose to not donate. I don't expect anyone to want to and/or be financially capable of contributing, which is why this will always be optional.

With that being said, one of the most common suggestions is to give small perks to those who subscribe or make larger donations. Some of your guys' ideas for perks were:
  • Rig of the Month access; the RotM contest is now only for members who have the blue "T3G Supporter" username
    • This would prevent contest entires from members who essentially only come to the site for the contest and then disappear again until the next contest
  • Exclusive discounts from vendors
    • I would be willing to put in the time and effort to form partnerships with vendors who are willing to provide permanent discounts for "T3G Supporters"
  • A buy/sell/trade section that can only be used by "T3G Supporters"
    • This would keep the quality of items for sale and reliability of transactions a bit more desirable
  • A special URL for your build thread
  • A private section for "T3G Supporters" to talk about whatever they'd like. Similarly, someone today brought up the idea of having a built in chat box so we can talk in realtime. That is something I can do
  • A special shirt, hat, sticker, etc.
  • The ability to give yourself a custom user title. Where it says "✓ • Mythical" under my name, you would be able to write whatever you want instead
  • The ability to change the color of the website, which you can do now, but this would then be only for "T3G Supporters" and more colors would be added

There was a bunch more of these ideas. But I want to ask again in this thread, are you guys generally ok with some of those? Do you have any other suggestions for perks?

The other thing I'd like input on is the presentation. Please give me your opinions about:
  • The best name for members who contribute. Ideas are:
    • Keep it as "Supporter"
    • Patron
    • Subscriber
    • Premium
    • Contributor
  • I considered having subscribing members displayed in a new color (like a darker blue or purple) but I think they should just stay as the current blue for simplicity. Unless you guys want a new color lol

When I started writing this post I had a few more things I was going to ask about and now I forgot. But if you don't mind, please chime in because some of these things are the finishing touches before I can go live with the system. (y)
I like most of these ideas and I only have reservations about a few. Making RoTM supporter only...I'm not sure I like that. I think RoTM brings in new people and limiting it might just result in the same people winning over and over again (and this is spoken as a 2x winner) so that doesn't sound great.

Closing BST posting to supporters would be good considering how many of those posts are from one time visitors. Although anytime we are limiting content...there will be less content and there are not that many BST posts as it is.

Exclusive discounts would be cool. I really like the idea of more T3G shirts/stickers/etc. I also like the custom title idea.

The rest of the ideas I don't really have much interest in either way.

Also, I think "Supporter" is the correct term assuming you only need to send a donation once to get the bonuses.

One thing to suggest, regional meetups for supporters? I mean. I was going to do that anyway but maybe it's something to try.

I just want a T3G shirt dangit!
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I just wish there was an app tbh, even if it’s paid for and the website is still free, I’d pay a few bucks a month to not have to re-enter my password every time I get on here lol.
You have to re-enter your password? Do you intentionally browse in private mode and/or have saved passwords turned off?

I would love to have an app, too. If you have an Android phone, we already do have a sort-of app. I can show you how to use it, unless you have an iPhone. If you have an iPhone, you can still use it, but push notifications don’t work.
Hey all,

Some of the things I've seen in the past are;

1. Donations of parts/stuff to be raffled. This can be from vendors or members.
2. Donations of used parts where the proceeds go to the site. (Site would not be responsible for anything, no box of crap showing up at Tyler's house as a donation.)
3. Donations of support. If you can provide a ($)service to a forum member, a portion of the proceeds goes to the site, or you give them a 3G mug/t-shirt at your cost.
4. Already mentioned paraphilia from the site.
5. Vender discounts are always nice. Thank you, vendors!

I would consider renaming the site unless it will only be for 3G.
Patron sounds nice, though supporter is cool.

All the things you mentioned sound fine, and I like the ROTM limitation. Same guys winning is fine if they are dedicated t3g guys/gals. I don't think we have the "only here for the ROTM" problem much, but I can see it becoming problematic with if winning gains you $100-200 coupons for gear.
Let me begin by stating the information in your post above is great. That works for me. For me, It's all about the increased fun of driving a T3G and using it to get the max out of each ride. Life is short. If T3G can help me improve the experiences... let's make that happen.

- Site background colors, name colors, etc don't affect the desire to be here... it's the content. The ability to change my name, title, or tag line is not material. I agree with previous posts that simply devices us more. However, Content that accomplishes the above would create a desire to be part of.
- I am a proponent of ROTM being a supporter opportunity. Yes, it may bring people to the site if it were open to all, however, this is a membership site, not a product site. Product sites once they get you to the site you peruse the "specials" and " New Products" which may ultimately lead to a purchase.
- Membership sites are all about the members and members' interests. IF the site offers true value they will pay for the benefit of reducing 'noise' from non-members and it prevents unnecessary duplicate threads. Value could be everything from 3G issues, Factory relationships with TSB online and solution-based MFG workarounds and solutions. Like the T3G TSB on engine compartment overheating and AC shut down. TSB instructs T3G owners to bring the truck to the dealership, however, once your their they tell you it's the owner's responsibility to pay for the TSB Correction.. at a cost of $2200 for the special high capacity additional fan and the mounting hardware. When did the Mfg failures become the owner's responsibility... should not the Mfg pay for this issue? I was in the middle of the desert on a 112degree day and the AC cut out. So a Mfg workaround would be a huge help to T3g members. Member experiences with aftermarket off-road accessories, what they bought initially, and what they ended up buying after they started using it in the field. Pedal Commander was a great accessory till I learned about the KDMAX and now KDMAX Pro tunes include settings to make the pedal more responsive... and it's better than the Pedal Commander. They are about the same price but the KDMAX does so much more. So now I have an almost mew pedal commander in a box. Or member's outdoor interests, like camp spots, destination rides, places of interest, Online Journal categories by destinations with threads by the contributor's experiences regarding places to stay/camp/what to prepare for/was it worth it, etc. places like MOAB, RUBICON, etc and also more local destinations.
- limitations for depth of use of this site makes sense for supporters and limited access for freebies makes total sense. Ability to read but not write type limitations.
- Memorabilia with the T3G logo makes sense to help spread the word. however in most cases the 'bling' or 'swag' is not things that I would keep or use... mostly this stuff gets thrown away. However good uses of the logo and products that are of good quality are always desireable. If you put your name on crap you associate with crap, and quality products are associated with quality. Unique products are the best as others ask 'where did you get that' and of course that allows interaction of WHY we are members of T3G. Then they internalize that and come to the realization they want to check it out and possibly become a member/contributor themselves. highest and best use.
- Stickers... I love the sticker... of course, I would have preferred a 10"x18" sticker that stands out... the smaller ones end up on my tool box in the garage but large ones would en dup on the truck body for all to see.... so there is little return on investment to the T3g Society. LOL

Hope there is some value in my reply. Thank you for being a great leader and keeping your member's best interests. -
The other thing I'd like input on is the presentation. Please give me your opinions about:
  • The best name for members who contribute. Ideas are:
    • Keep it as "Supporter"
    • Patron
    • Subscriber
    • Premium
    • Contributor

Maybe a donor roster. Like a separate with a list of people who donated.

Supporter is good.
Patron - Patreon feel.
Subscriber - Sounds like a monthly subscription/OF content.
Premium would be good with bonuses.
Contributor - I feel like that's someone who contributes content.

Standard - Light/Dark Theme. Limited inbox. No signature. No selling. Can buy.
Supporter for general. Ability to set site themes. Basics. Ability to post in B/S/T Forum. Text signature.
Premium Supporter - Higher tier with a little more access to things. Private forum access. Increased Inbox if there is a limit. Can add acceptable sized image/banner to signature.
All of your insights are great and super helpful so far!

About the shirts. Are you guys looking for shirts with the logo on it? Shirts with a truck on it?

For a shirt with a truck, I know there’s like 2-3 popular artists on Instagram that kind of specialize in 4x4/overland graphics. If you know who any of them are, drop their page names for me. I can’t remember.
The mythical 3G taco would be awesome on a shirt.


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All of your insights are great and super helpful so far!

About the shirts. Are you guys looking for shirts with the logo on it? Shirts with a truck on it?

For a shirt with a truck, I know there’s like 2-3 popular artists on Instagram that kind of specialize in 4x4/overland graphics. If you know who any of them are, drop their page names for me. I can’t remember.

Like these but 3g
Hey guys. So you all know I messaged you about this topic. I received an overwhelming amount of great opinions and ideas (over 100!). It has been a lot of work to get it up and running. I was able to expand payment options too. It was only PayPal, but now you'll be able to choose to securely pay with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. I'm still working on streamlining the subscription/donation options but I'm almost ready to go live with it. I do have some extra questions for you all, thus this thread.

Although there's a handful of your replies that I still haven't had the time to reply to (and I will), I did take notes. I put together everyone's ideas to kind of get an idea of the general consensus about pricing, perks, methods, etc.

Some folks were confused about one thing, so just to reiterate: The site will always be completely free to use for those who choose to not donate. I don't expect anyone to want to and/or be financially capable of contributing, which is why this will always be optional.

With that being said, one of the most common suggestions is to give small perks to those who subscribe or make larger donations. Some of your guys' ideas for perks were:
  • Rig of the Month access; the RotM contest is now only for members who have the blue "T3G Supporter" username
    • This would prevent contest entires from members who essentially only come to the site for the contest and then disappear again until the next contest
  • Exclusive discounts from vendors
    • I would be willing to put in the time and effort to form partnerships with vendors who are willing to provide permanent discounts for "T3G Supporters"
  • A buy/sell/trade section that can only be used by "T3G Supporters"
    • This would keep the quality of items for sale and reliability of transactions a bit more desirable
  • A special URL for your build thread
  • A private section for "T3G Supporters" to talk about whatever they'd like. Similarly, someone today brought up the idea of having a built in chat box so we can talk in realtime. That is something I can do
  • A special shirt, hat, sticker, etc.
  • The ability to give yourself a custom user title. Where it says "✓ • Mythical" under my name, you would be able to write whatever you want instead
  • The ability to change the color of the website, which you can do now, but this would then be only for "T3G Supporters" and more colors would be added

There was a bunch more of these ideas. But I want to ask again in this thread, are you guys generally ok with some of those? Do you have any other suggestions for perks?

The other thing I'd like input on is the presentation. Please give me your opinions about:
  • The best name for members who contribute. Ideas are:
    • Keep it as "Supporter"
    • Patron
    • Subscriber
    • Premium
    • Contributor
  • I considered having subscribing members displayed in a new color (like a darker blue or purple) but I think they should just stay as the current blue for simplicity. Unless you guys want a new color lol

When I started writing this post I had a few more things I was going to ask about and now I forgot. But if you don't mind, please chime in because some of these things are the finishing touches before I can go live with the system. (y)
Hey guys. So you all know I messaged you about this topic. I received an overwhelming amount of great opinions and ideas (over 100!). It has been a lot of work to get it up and running. I was able to expand payment options too. It was only PayPal, but now you'll be able to choose to securely pay with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. I'm still working on streamlining the subscription/donation options but I'm almost ready to go live with it. I do have some extra questions for you all, thus this thread.

Although there's a handful of your replies that I still haven't had the time to reply to (and I will), I did take notes. I put together everyone's ideas to kind of get an idea of the general consensus about pricing, perks, methods, etc.

Some folks were confused about one thing, so just to reiterate: The site will always be completely free to use for those who choose to not donate. I don't expect anyone to want to and/or be financially capable of contributing, which is why this will always be optional.

With that being said, one of the most common suggestions is to give small perks to those who subscribe or make larger donations. Some of your guys' ideas for perks were:
  • Rig of the Month access; the RotM contest is now only for members who have the blue "T3G Supporter" username
    • This would prevent contest entires from members who essentially only come to the site for the contest and then disappear again until the next contest
  • Exclusive discounts from vendors
    • I would be willing to put in the time and effort to form partnerships with vendors who are willing to provide permanent discounts for "T3G Supporters"
  • A buy/sell/trade section that can only be used by "T3G Supporters"
    • This would keep the quality of items for sale and reliability of transactions a bit more desirable
  • A special URL for your build thread
  • A private section for "T3G Supporters" to talk about whatever they'd like. Similarly, someone today brought up the idea of having a built in chat box so we can talk in realtime. That is something I can do
  • A special shirt, hat, sticker, etc.
  • The ability to give yourself a custom user title. Where it says "✓ • Mythical" under my name, you would be able to write whatever you want instead
  • The ability to change the color of the website, which you can do now, but this would then be only for "T3G Supporters" and more colors would be added

There was a bunch more of these ideas. But I want to ask again in this thread, are you guys generally ok with some of those? Do you have any other suggestions for perks?

The other thing I'd like input on is the presentation. Please give me your opinions about:
  • The best name for members who contribute. Ideas are:
    • Keep it as "Supporter"
    • Patron
    • Subscriber
    • Premium
    • Contributor
  • I considered having subscribing members displayed in a new color (like a darker blue or purple) but I think they should just stay as the current blue for simplicity. Unless you guys want a new color lol

When I started writing this post I had a few more things I was going to ask about and now I forgot. But if you don't mind, please chime in because some of these things are the finishing touches before I can go live with the system. (y)
Hey guys. So you all know I messaged you about this topic. I received an overwhelming amount of great opinions and ideas (over 100!). It has been a lot of work to get it up and running. I was able to expand payment options too. It was only PayPal, but now you'll be able to choose to securely pay with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. I'm still working on streamlining the subscription/donation options but I'm almost ready to go live with it. I do have some extra questions for you all, thus this thread.

Although there's a handful of your replies that I still haven't had the time to reply to (and I will), I did take notes. I put together everyone's ideas to kind of get an idea of the general consensus about pricing, perks, methods, etc.

Some folks were confused about one thing, so just to reiterate: The site will always be completely free to use for those who choose to not donate. I don't expect anyone to want to and/or be financially capable of contributing, which is why this will always be optional.

With that being said, one of the most common suggestions is to give small perks to those who subscribe or make larger donations. Some of your guys' ideas for perks were:
  • Rig of the Month access; the RotM contest is now only for members who have the blue "T3G Supporter" username
    • This would prevent contest entires from members who essentially only come to the site for the contest and then disappear again until the next contest
  • Exclusive discounts from vendors
    • I would be willing to put in the time and effort to form partnerships with vendors who are willing to provide permanent discounts for "T3G Supporters"
  • A buy/sell/trade section that can only be used by "T3G Supporters"
    • This would keep the quality of items for sale and reliability of transactions a bit more desirable
  • A special URL for your build thread
  • A private section for "T3G Supporters" to talk about whatever they'd like. Similarly, someone today brought up the idea of having a built in chat box so we can talk in realtime. That is something I can do
  • A special shirt, hat, sticker, etc.
  • The ability to give yourself a custom user title. Where it says "✓ • Mythical" under my name, you would be able to write whatever you want instead
  • The ability to change the color of the website, which you can do now, but this would then be only for "T3G Supporters" and more colors would be added

There was a bunch more of these ideas. But I want to ask again in this thread, are you guys generally ok with some of those? Do you have any other suggestions for perks?

The other thing I'd like input on is the presentation. Please give me your opinions about:
  • The best name for members who contribute. Ideas are:
    • Keep it as "Supporter"
    • Patron
    • Subscriber
    • Premium
    • Contributor
  • I considered having subscribing members displayed in a new color (like a darker blue or purple) but I think they should just stay as the current blue for simplicity. Unless you guys want a new color lol

When I started writing this post I had a few more things I was going to ask about and now I forgot. But if you don't mind, please chime in because some of these things are the finishing touches before I can go live with the system.
Speaking of shirts, when was the last time TACOMA3G sold shirts. It's been a while, Tyler, Malcom was still in the service. It's about time to start vending TACOMA3G shirts again to generate income to keep this site up & running.
Speaking of shirts, when was the last time TACOMA3G sold shirts. It's been a while, Tyler, Malcom was still in the service. It's about time to start vending TACOMA3G shirts again to generate income to keep this site up & running.
The last time was in 2018. Shirts are definitely in demand.
I just Donated and I know getting stickers out there might help with getting people on the site, but I will not use the sticker, please save it for someone else.
Make a donation selection that doesnt include the sticker.
Personally, I think the ROTM idea is great....only contributing members should participate. I don't know how hard it is to change the Front Page, but maybe each month, feature the ROTM on the front page of the website and not just in a post. Also, it would be really great to have "sections" like beginners, novel, expert levels. For instance, if someone is just getting started off-roading, they could go straight to the beginners section and read everything instead of jumping around trying to figure out things on their own.
All great ideas! I like the ROTM idea. Sure it may be the same people winning, but it will encourage creativity in our photography.

Shirts, YES!!!

If you decide to go with moderators keep me in mind. I'd be glad to help out.
Hope you don't mind me "borrowing" your artwork. I think something like this would be good. Simple and clean. :) I'm sure people of this community wouldn't mind the cost difference of a nicer quality shirt. To help fund the initial run, you could do a presale/donation type thing with the member knowing it would take some time.

Edit: I just threw these together to submit as ideas.


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