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Hot Wheels / Diecast Models


🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
I searched but didn't see a thread on this.

Hot Wheels recently dropped a 2020 Taco in Voodoo Blue. From what I've read on Reddit, they are hard to find in stores because people are actually scalping them to sell on eBay. Not sure how true that is in the real world, but I haven't found one in a store yet either. Actually, most stores I check have almost no Hot Wheels cars at all.

But it looks to be in stock on Amazon:


And it looks like you can find custom painted / wheel swapped versions on eBay for $$:

Anyone manage to find one in stores?
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MaurieJess posted the Voodoo ones on her Instagram a few weeks ago. I've been keeping my eye out, but haven't seen any yet. I'm reluctant to pay $15 online for a $1 Hot Wheel, BUT I do have a Voodoo Blue Tacoma...

I'd need to get 2 or 3. One for me (to not open), one for my son to open and play with and maybe a third one for him to not open.
...I guess I'll have to stop by Target today :)
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Good luck though. Whenever I casually peek at a store that sells this stuff, the racks are usually close to empty. I think there’s just a shortage of die-cast cars like there is real cars, lol.
My last minute kids need to buy mothers day gifts anyway so I'll hit the big box stores. If I see more than one I'll buy some extras for the forum. Maybe they can be RotM prizes.
My last minute kids need to buy mothers day gifts anyway so I'll hit the big box stores. If I see more than one I'll buy some extras for the forum. Maybe they can be RotM prizes.
The RotM or some other type of giveaway (say, T3G’s 4th bday this month), is a great idea that I would’ve never thought of!

Good luck though. Whenever I casually peek at a store that sells this stuff, the racks are usually close to empty. I think there’s just a shortage of die-cast cars like there is real cars, lol.
Makes you wonder how many other adults "casually" shop for Hot Wheels. Haha. Since my son got into them I'm looking all the time. Closest he has to my truck is a maroon-ish Hilux.
The RotM or some other type of giveaway (say, T3G’s 4th bday this month), is a great idea that I would’ve never thought of!

No love, I tried Fred Meyer (which had a TON of Hot Wheels) and Target (which had some) and no Tacos to be found.
Good luck though. Whenever I casually peek at a store that sells this stuff, the racks are usually close to empty. I think there’s just a shortage of die-cast cars like there is real cars, lol.
It's that mini Chip it needs to roll !! Ha Ha !!
They are very hard to find. I have people that i buy them from. $3 - $5 each. I give them away to customers that have a VooDoo Tacooma.
My wife calls me a manchild, every time we got to store I have to dig. Randomly found 1 Tacoma, then started finding the rest of the off road ones. I have a few others that I have taken a picture of. But that Bronco is SWEET
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The dirty tires on the Land Cruiser are cool as hell. I think I might try to get that one too.
I'll move this thread to the off-topic section since it sounds like we're gonna start talking about more than just the new 3rd gen Taco.

I also have some of my own to share when I get some pictures.
Currently just Hot Wheels and Matchbox. I used to be into the builder kits like Tamiya but I don't have the patience for it now. It's too tedious.
Makes sense. I never loved the kits but I did used to collect 1/18 scale die-cast.

One of my favorites that I had (in the 90s or early 2000s):


IMO, the coolest Hot Wheels/Matchbox scale (1/64) trucks are made by GreenLight. They really focus on realistic detail and seem to love trucks.

GreenLight Diecast Collectibles