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    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Forum (2016-2023 model-years). We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.

Cement Taco.. eat it, you'll sh*t bricks.


5️⃣ Platinum
Rig of the Month
Tacoma3G Supporter
Hi all! Just picked up my new toy on Friday. I've got plans to slowly turn this sucker into a mountain rig.
I love being outside and apart from this new hobby I enjoy building custom motorcycles, photography (side Hussle), dirt biking, and am just getting into paramotoring.
Looking to share build progress through a photographers eye and keep everything high quality. If I start posting phone pictures get on my case.

Thanks guys!
Here's my baseline:
Wheels - methods
Tires - 31" ko2s
Lift- I believe it's 1.5" but have no documentation with the truck.
Everything else on the truck is bone stock.

The dealership was also kind enough to lose the driver's floor mat, so a set of huskys are already in the mail.
Will upload some more pictures as parts start coming in.
The first batch aside from the mats includes a trd pro style grille, bed mat, and console/glove dividers. May throw some American flag decals on because truck yeah. Probably will end up swapping the TRD OR emblem on the bed side for something with no red.
Hi all! Just picked up my new toy on Friday. I've got plans to slowly turn this sucker into a mountain rig.
I love being outside and apart from this new hobby I enjoy building custom motorcycles, photography (side Hussle), dirt biking, and am just getting into paramotoring.
Looking to share build progress through a photographers eye and keep everything high quality. If I start posting phone pictures get on my case.

Thanks guys! View attachment 22047View attachment 22048View attachment 22049

LOVE IT!!!!!
New 'Mod' Accumulator Delete

I've been working on making my truck feel more driveable. Last night I removed the accumulator. For those of you that don't have a manual transmission, the accumulator is basically suspension for your clutch. It's nice if you suck at shifting and are a noobie driver, but it removes all clutch feel and makes it less predictable if you know what you're doing.

On a scale of 1-10 difficulty I'd rate this two bruised knuckles for getting the damn cover off. Cursed bolts are always in the worst places.

The delete involves removing the accumulator (first pic) and replacing it with a number of different options. I opted for a stainless flex line from an S2000. Slap that on, bleed the clutch (very easy) and you're good to go! I'll say it was a huge improvement in how the truck feels!


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I have a six speed, I know you say "removes all clutch feel and makes it less predictable"
I still can't comprehend what removing the accumulator actually does., Is there another way you can explain it:)
I can try! You may have noticed a tendency to lurch or bounce a little when shifting between gears or starting out. At that point you would normally think to yourself that you shifted poorly. It was more likely due to the accumulator than your timing. You could say that your accumulator does the equivalent of giving you an inch of freeplay in your clutch pedal. Each time you shift it's like you are off a little from where you thought you were. This makes it less predictable.

Of course this is also impacted by the viscosity of your dot 3 oil in the clutch reservoir so temperature also effects how it shifts more than it should.

As for the feel... The difference is small but noticable. I would describe it by saying your motor vibrates - that vibration it's transferred through the entire drivetrain including the clutch system. With the delete you can feel it in the pedal. That feel gives you a grip on how much the clutch is engaged and I would say helps almost exclusively off the line and when reversing. Way less impact when upshifting, but does have some benefits downshifting. With the Accumulator, you essentially have suspension in your clutch line which removes that feel completely.

Maybe a helpful description maybe not. However, for a $25 non destructive, completely reversible modification, I'd say 100% worth it. If you're not convinced, swing by SLC Utah sometime I'll let you have a crack at it.
Thank you for taking the time to explain it, I didn't know the accumulator would effect it that way. Yeah I noticed when I shift I can feel a thump which I never had in other cars or trucks, it's like my timing is off.
Exactly! If you want to do it yourself, it's a pretty easy list of things to do. You'll need this Stainless Hydraulic Flex Line, a 10mm line wrench, regular 10,12,13, 14, and 17mm wrenches, a small container of fresh DOT 3 brake fluid, and about 40 minutes of your time plus 5-10 minutes with a buddy to bleed the clutch once everything is installed.
New Mod: OVTune

Just finished putting the tune on! I was a bit sceptical of how much benefit I would see from just an ecu flash and a new fuel map but wow. I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like a new truck.

I was worried that it wouldn't have as much benefit in my manual transmission because of the apparent non-essential shift point modification. I would still like to tweak the rev hang at high rpm for first to second (running the 2.0 premium tune) may experiment with the 1.05 but that seems like going the wrong way.

Anyway. I bought the full license, so if you live near SLC and want to drive out I can register extra ecus and flash any of the tune pack maps to your ecu for a fraction of the full $800.

Fun stuff!
Is accumulator easy to get to? I just ordered the line that you linked from Amazon
Yeah it's not bad. Having the truck on stands would help, but I did mine without. It's not hidden under stock skids either. Just one little cover then you're away. Don't forget to clamp the fluid line at the reservoir so you don't leak a ton of fluid.
New Mod! Genesis Offroad Dual Battery Setup

I don’t know if I’m smart starting with a bunch of foundational things, but hey... it’s going to happen at some point anyway, right?

Installation was dead simple. The steps included taking the old battery out, drilling a few holes, installing some rivetnuts, then dropping the new system in. Of course there was a little bit more measurement involved and some grunting (batteries are heavy), but on a scale from 1-10, I’d probably give this a 2 or a 3 For difficulty.

Functionally, I’ve had it in there for about 2 weeks now. I haven’t notices any change in ride quality (it’s only like 50 pounds heavier in the front now) but I have had a whole lot of peace of mind. I’m going to go crazy with the blue sea systems here in a bit to make sure I have that sweet sweet 12V available all over the truck to be gobbled down by future goodies.

Here’s what the process looked like.


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Old mod... New update? ARB TWIN Onboard Air

Ok... You guys all know what these are.. I just wanted to post a picture of it!

As far as locations for it and accessories. I want to hear some of the cool things you guys have seen or done with your air. Have you routed connection points all over the truck? Anyone done hardline? Built in spud launchers?
Going to get some nicer pictures soon. Installed a prinsu rack and put my ski rack up. Also learned how to fully disable traction control (hate that crap) You could say I'm ready for all the snow now.


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Aaannnndddd.... Let there be light. Heretic 40"

They're local to me so I went up to their shop, met the team, saw how they make stuff, and learned about their technology. Really solid group with great products!


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