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What is your gas prices today?

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Not where I live but it makes me think twice about leaving town and where I go!!!


Thank you for the correction. It is Death Valley , California.
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America have so much oil , it can last another 50 years. But our government has set restrictions.
Read somewhere we exporting more oil then we use.
One day oil will be obsolete? Or not n demand in the future due to other sources of energy?

I just learn American oil is harder to refine/ produce.
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June 2, 2022 Kona Hawaii , In town gas prices today was $5.74. Kona area is very small, you will notice every brand of gasoline is price about the same. Maybe a penny difference.
Kona Costco price today ? Was $5.19
I don’t pay much attention because I don’t have a choice - I gotta fill the truck whether I want to or not. But I think my part of NY is about $4.85.

The highest I’ve ever paid was around $5.50 and that was a few years ago. Never thought I’d see gas in the $6/7/8 range.
June 5 th 2022 Kona, Hawaii . Costco gas prices 87 -$5.31, premium $5.77 , ethanol free-$5.87
Forgot about the diesel. Sorry.
BJ's gas just went up to $4.69.... Regular stations are roughly $4.80-$4.90 ish... UGH

Diesel is about $6.50 I wanna say, can't remember but it's in the 6 range now
Inflation is like a baby, they do they grow fast , and cost more today to feed and cloth.
Just like our Tacoma trucks, cost more to feed and cloth ( all the aftermarket stuffs) .

The dollar is still the same size in length and width , but buys less today. No sense in making the dollar bill bigger in size, and harder to carry.

Europe sells there gas by the liter, 3.78 liter = 1 gallon.
May 2022 prices.
Russia. .80 liter
Ukraine. 1.71 liter
UK. 2.15 liter
Germany 2.32 liter
Norway. 2.82 liter
Here in Jackson, KY, it's pushing toward $5.00. I want to say I saw it go from $4.59 to $4.79 for regular overnight
Our propane from one dealer , $5.00 per gallon , for years it was $4.60. I go thru 2-3 5 gal tanks a month.
Propane refrigerator, propane stove ,propane water heater, propane clothes dryer. My generator can run on propane, but gas is cheaper to run on a generator..
The only gas station and the only commercially owned property in the town I work in was $4.89 at 9am today. When I left work at 3pm gas was at $4.99.
Hoardings gas is never a good idea. But the way gasoline prices is rising? Getting a couple of 5 gallons containers of gas today, might be worth it. “Cause tomorrow’s prices?

Gas lasts for only 6 month’s , beware
Today was Monday, I was surprised to see how little traffic was on the roadways. Gas prices are starting to make affect , I think?
I had to fill my Toyota Camry today, fill propane tank, and a run to Home Depot for farm .

NE, Ohio, The Governor DeWine proposed a gas hike in 2019 for State road funding , a increase of 10.5 cents per gallon of gas , 19 cent for diesel. A bipartisan vote agreed + $100.00 registration fees for hybrids, $200 for electric cars.
Ohio May repeal the the increases? Till 2027?
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Expect the worst , hopefully things will improve around the world. Summers will have less hardships vs winter colds season.
But not surprised if you hit $6.00 per gallon, we will be above $7.00
I just learn on the Big Island of Hawaii, Board of water supply and government officials wants everyone to cut back (25%) of water usage. Faulty pumps by Board of water supply.
Hilo side of our island is the most rainy city in America, over 114 inch of rain a year. Or 70% of the time it is raining. Our Kona side is more sunshine, but the last couple of months ,lots of rainy days and nights.

Nothing will be like B-4.
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NE, Ohio, The Governor DeWine proposed a gas hike in 2019 for State road funding , a increase of 10.5 cents per gallon of gas , 19 cent for diesel. A bipartisan vote agreed + $100.00 registration fees for hybrids, $200 for electric cars.
Ohio May repeal the the increases? Till 2027?
If I get started on dewine, you guys might throw me out of here. He is the definition of chameleon bureaucrat politician, been at it for 40+ years. He'll say/do anything for a vote. If you're interested, look up the Ohio HB6 scandal ($62 million bribery scheme to get a bailout for the nuke plants). He was AG then governor and rubber stamped the bill. He's either completely incompetent that he didn't know about it, or up to his beady little eyeballs in it. I tend to think the latter.

I can't believe he made it through the primary with what he did and how he played with us during covid. I don't associate with any party in particular, but I will be doing all I can to make sure he does not get re-elected.

Sorry, apparently I got started! HAHA! I'm done. Carry on. Some gas stations withdrew to $4.99 here today.
Man make the rules, man is not perfect, therefore we will get imperfect rules!

Some one once told me, with all the crimes out there. Besides jail times? A huge money fines is a great detriment. But not a solution. Rising gas prices will be a detriment to peoples driving habits.

Enjoy the low risings gas prices today, cause tomorrow it will hurt. Many of us will notice the small increases that is happening daily, but in a couple of months? Wow!

Like drinking coffee, slowly it empties, till the coffee it is gone. Our Tacomas slowly drinking gas, till our money is gone. Drink more coffee .
I’ve decided to park my truck unless I need it for something and drive my wife’s CX-5. She works from home and it gets better mileage. Apparently 5 bucks a gallon is the point where I change my habits.
I can see bicycles, electric bikes, scooters, becoming more popular. In the larger cities catching the “bus” maybe a good idea?
Honolulu bus ride is now $3.00. Single adult. Big island “bus” is free till 2023, but limited stops, stations and hours.

Off course electric cars too will become more popular. It is approx 60% cheaper to run on fuel, vs gas vehicles.

My truck and car habits is changing, staying home more. Tacoma is getting into the “resting” mode!
But I wanna to do more shoreline “ fishing”. “ Gassing “ what I should do?