Long story actually, I was about 15 at the time, you know little kids are always into fast cars. My dad had a Lexus NX F-Sport, One day he told me he wanted to trade it in for a 4Runner I called him crazy and made fun of him... Little did i know. so he got his 4Runner and Within a week it had a lift and tires. I was hooked. I was looking at getting a TJ as my first car, then the Toyota bug bit me, I fell in love with the Tacoma, a couple of months later and a-lot of saving later i finally found a job where i was comfortable enough too have a monthly payment...
I remember it like it was yesterday, I was eating a bowl of chocolate rice crispy when my dad screamed "the deal for the truck is ready" I instantly jumped off my ass and went to go get it. And now we live happily ever after.
Needless to say, Don't give up.
Best decision ever!