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Trail Run Organizing and Discussion


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Tacoma3G O.G.
Hey guys, I thought it would be cool to start a discussion about potentially organizing some trail runs or even camping trips with the T3G community. Back at the OC Overland meet I spoke briefly with @Mr. Nobody on this and wanted to pick back up the conversation.

Some ideas/topics to consider:
  • The community is huge out here in Cali and if we make a trail run public potentially we could have way to big of a group that would clog the trail for others. Should devise a way to keep the group some what manageable.
  • Organize a pre trail run with the admin/moderators to document the trail and plan for the community run.
  • How often could we plan these types of meets?
  • We should list out some potential trails to hit
I’m just getting the convo started here to see what you guys think.
I'm at work right now so I'll respond in full in a couple hours, but I like that we're going to get this discussion started. ?
This is a good idea but not something that I will be able to help much with.

I’m moving to NY at the beginning of July and I’m currently very busy with getting that all taken care of.
This is a good idea but not something that I will be able to help much with.

I’m moving to NY at the beginning of July and I’m currently very busy with getting that all taken care of.
Wellllll on that note, rausch creek camping July 19 wheeling 20 leaving 21 just throwing that out there, VT camping wheeling trip is probably sept 3 day trip
Wellllll on that note, rausch creek camping July 19 wheeling 20 leaving 21 just throwing that out there, VT camping wheeling trip is probably sept 3 day trip
I’m hitting the road July 16 and expect it to take up to 2 weeks so I won’t be able to.
Sorry for such a delay in responding. Life's been nuts lately.

Anyhow, im all for some trail runs.

I definitely think pre-running them with either one or multiple trucks/mods would be great in terms of scouting it out prior to running a group of people out there.

I honestly don't have much in the way of local trail knowledge aside from Ocotillo and Anza but it's way to hit out there already. Most of my knowledge is in the Sierras.

We are also looking into an actual legit adopt a trail on the San Bernardino National Forest. I'm in talks with the program director now and Mateo from TacomaBeast is interested in collaborating with us on it.
That’s super awesome to hear about adopt a trail that’s a great idea.

I have a bunch of knowledge on the trails in the San Bernardino mountains and up in the high desert like Johnson valley and calico also the low desert like Joshua Tree. I know those areas are long drives from San Diego, but there are some great trails out there. If you guys are down to do some trails out that way, I can share the trails I’ve done here with links to them on All Trails. We can see if any of them could be a good option.
Ok, here's one trail that goes up to Big Bear that I have yet to do, but I'd like to check it out and it may be a good trail to do with T3G. It's of the 38 by Angelus Oaks. and it's two trails that connect that would get us up into Big Bear. I'm not actually sure they connect, but it looks like it's possible or you may have to get back on the 38 for a minute...

1st Trail (Mill Creek): https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/mill-creek-angelus-oaks-bypass
2nd Trail (Clark's Grade): https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/clarks-grade-to-big-bear

I'd be down to hit this up some time with any one of the admin/moderators to see if this is something worth doing. LMK!
@Malcolm and I actually did that same trail about 2 weeks ago. Tons of fun, very doable for all trucks. And leads to a number of fun options for a second day of exploring. I'd happily do it again.
@Malcolm and I actually did that same trail about 2 weeks ago. Tons of fun, very doable for all trucks. And leads to a number of fun options for a second day of exploring. I'd happily do it again.
Nice! I saw those photos, but wasn’t actually sure where you guys were at in the area. Every time I take the 38 I want to turn off and do one of those trails it looks cool with all the trees. Sounds like this could be a good first trail to get a group trail run going. Unless you want to propose another option...

I'd like to lock in a future date for the trail run and work towards planning out some details here. Are there any weekend days that look good in the next month or two?

What do you think the max number of trucks should be in a caravan on the trail? My concern is that there actually might be a really large turnout. The last Tacoma Krew trail run I went on had 20 trucks and it was a lot.
I would say cap it at 10 trucks max. If we get more than that we can do separate groups on different trails. Aside from to many on the trail at one time, another problem becomes if anyone camps. There's not a lot of large group spots up there. So keeping the group smaller would help if people want to stay overnight.

As for weekends, I'd say you take the lead. Pick a weekend at least a month out of not a bit more for planning and go for it. I have a long trip coming up the end of this month into August. I also am working on a lot of other stuff including a charity event on August 13th at Attitude Brewing in SD.
Cool, I know you got a lot going on so I’ll take the lead on that. I’ll post some updates after I review the calendar. Agreed on the 10 trucks. 20 was too much. Especially if you coming up on traffic coming the other way.
Cool, I know you got a lot going on so I’ll take the lead on that. I’ll post some updates after I review the calendar. Agreed on the 10 trucks. 20 was too much. Especially if you coming up on traffic coming the other way.
Clarks grade is very promising, both those trails though arenot great for 10+ trucks. That whole area is awesome though. Gold mountain can have heavy traffic if you wanted to run that, buti it can get annoying. I can show all of yall around!