Anyone going to TepuiFest 2018?? The wife and I are heading out for the first time, and would be nice to meet members and your rigs.
"TepuiFest 2018 is well in the works and - as always - slated to be better than ever. With an epic music lineup, overland trails, gear raffles, awesome food and brews, games and activities for the whole family, offroad clinics, and more... you bring your rig and your ticket, and we'll bring the rest! We hope to see you there!
When: October 12-14, 2018
Where: Hollister Hills, CA
Price: $75 per person (children 6 and under are free)
Music Lineup:
Friday: Yaya's Kitchen, DJ, The Risky Biscuits
Saturday: Jesse Daniel, Taylor Rae, Blue Summit"
When: October 12-14, 2018
Where: Hollister Hills, CA
Price: $75 per person (children 6 and under are free)
Music Lineup:
Friday: Yaya's Kitchen, DJ, The Risky Biscuits
Saturday: Jesse Daniel, Taylor Rae, Blue Summit"