Hey guys I'm thinking about selling my prinsu designs roof rack with edge trim and 40"light bar cutout, a 2 extra bars I believe . I have raptor lined the outside braces and left the mid bars raw aluminum
I am the orignal owner , just not feeling the rack any more I live in Canada any locals would be best ofcourse, anybody wanting from the states shipping would be on you might be slot due to the length
Posting a feeler for now pictures will be up sometime tomorrow as I have realized I have no pictures of my truck here
Pay no attention to the shitty wiring
Currently looking for 650 CDN
Pm me
I am the orignal owner , just not feeling the rack any more I live in Canada any locals would be best ofcourse, anybody wanting from the states shipping would be on you might be slot due to the length
Posting a feeler for now pictures will be up sometime tomorrow as I have realized I have no pictures of my truck here
Pay no attention to the shitty wiring
Currently looking for 650 CDN
Pm me
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