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Archived Small QOL feature added to some forum descriptions

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
I just added some links to certain forum descriptions that, when clicked, will take you to a page listing ALL threads about said subject. For example, if you click the suspension link, it will bring you to this page: https://tacoma3g.com/forums/wheels-tires-suspension-armor.8/?prefix_id=2. Those are all of our threads about suspension.

Some of these will not display any threads yet because I still need to go through every single thread and manually sort them, but I should have that done shortly. If you guys have any ideas for a topic that I missed, please let me know so I can add it. Not everything needs to be sorted this way though; just the more frequently discussed stuff.

Example of how it looks (highlighted in the red boxes):
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