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    Tacoma3G is a beginner-friendly 3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Forum (2016-2023 model-years). We are a community of people who are focused on good information and good vibes.

Archived Please welcome Mr. Nobody as our first T3G forum moderator!

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
T3G fam,

I am excited to announce @Mr. Nobody (aka Andy) as the first T3G forum moderator. Andy has a vast history of informative posts that members have gained a lot of knowledge from. He has always been highly supportive of the website and has a strong drive to continue to provide valuable content and discussion. A solid addition to the staff team for sure!
His build thread: https://tacoma3g.com/threads/mr-and-mrs-nobodys-quicksand-dclb.484/#post-3639
His rig:

I'm sure this might create an interest for some other members who would also like to volunteer to be a moderator. I will address that below.

Adding staff to the team is something I take very seriously and I believe quality over quantity goes a long way when doing so, which is why this is only our first moderator and fourth staff member.

The role of the forum moderator at T3G is not exactly what the name usually implies for other forums. Typically, a moderator would ensure everyone is behaving and lock crappy threads/wave their ban-hammer around. However, our members are very good to each other and we've never had a problem with poor attitudes or post content here. With that being said, the main expectation I have for a moderator is the ability to efficiently help members, engage in discussions using an above average level of Tacoma knowledge and general professionalism, and help myself and the other staff brainstorm new ideas for the website behind the scenes.

If that sounds like a position you are interested in, feel free to shoot me a private message at any time and we'll talk. While I'm not necessarily seeking more moderators at this time, I'll always keep a keen eye and open mind for solid candidates that have an interest.
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Happy to be here and help anyone along the way. I may not be the most knowledgeable, but what I do know I will happily share. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Solid addition to our staff and I know he will kill it! Excited to see what’s to come and welcome! Was great meeting you at our event, was awesome getting to talk to you!
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