$30+shipping -- Motorola MA-1 wireless Android Auto transmitter. Used for about 2 years and still functioning.
$100+shipping -- GERMES LAB (carSolutions) anytime camera module with t-harness. Worked when removed this week and had it installed for approximately 2 years.
No longer need these after installing my new radio. I can provide photos if requested. Shipping from 54455.
Message me for PayPal or VENMO.
MA1 - Wireless car adapter for Android Auto from Motorola Sound
Find the latest wireless car adapter for Android Auto from Motorola Sound - Direct USB plug-in, Fast media transmission, Fast automatic connection

$100+shipping -- GERMES LAB (carSolutions) anytime camera module with t-harness. Worked when removed this week and had it installed for approximately 2 years.
No longer need these after installing my new radio. I can provide photos if requested. Shipping from 54455.
Message me for PayPal or VENMO.