Tyler from Tacoma3G here!
I'm reaching out to let you know that our July "Rig of the Month" photo contest is open for submissions, and to give you some other community updates.
Rig of the Month
If you haven't heard, as of January 2020, we run a monthly contest on our forum: RotM. To enter, simply post your favorite photo of your truck to this submission thread. After the submitting phase closes, the voting phase opens and all forum members will have a few days to vote for their favorite photos. The photo with the most votes at the end of the voting phase will earn "Rig of the Month" and some rad gear.
July's RotM is powered by @Accessorides. The rig of July will get one of their Tacoma remote start kits, a T3G patch and sticker, your photo in the homepage of the forum until next month, a special RotM forum username and badge, and a nice shoutout on the ol' Instagram.
*The submission phase was supposed to end on July 15, but because I was late to open the contest due to an unforeseen medical issue, I'm going to let submissions come in until midday July 16.
We finally joined the dark side...
Ready? Tacoma3G.com finally has a dark forum design!
It only took a few years, but hey. Our dark theme is looking killer and members who have already seen it are digging it. You should be able to see it by default, but if you don't see it, use the style chooser bar at the top right or bottom left of the forum to select it (black box with the tan border):

The dark theme is still being tweaked a bit. It should eventually have an option to automatically switch between light or dark depending on whether your phone or computer is using a light or dark mode (if you want it to). There will also be dark versions of all the other color schemes after the Quicksand one is fully polished. Let me know if what you think and of any bugs you might find, in this thread.
Tacoma3G is getting an overhaul.
I won't go too in depth with this today, but I'm working on what I'd consider to be T3G 2.0. Hmm, T3G2G? I like that. Some of the many things on my list for this are:
- A full overhaul of tacoma3g.com/merch/, which is where our stickers and patches are currently purchased from. The interface with the current system is ugly and not user-friendly. Our "store" will end up looking at operating like an actual online store, complete with order numbers and all that fancy stuff. On that note, there will be new merch designs and types to go with it. This is partially driven by popular demand (because merch has never really been my thing), and partially because it really does help me make T3G better when you guys donate by buying the stuff. I use that money to do the things that I'm bringing up in this email, amongst other backend nerdy website management tasks.
- A better way to view "what's hot" within the forum posts.
- A better way to find useful tutorials that you would normally just Google search. (Can anyone actually remember how to reset their maintenance light without checking Google?)
- A better marketplace system for buying and selling your truck parts.
- A Rig of the Month calendar for 2021.
- A better system for interacting with our official vendors.
- Fancier user profile pages.
- A bunch of other stuff that I can't remember without looking at the list.
The last thing I want to hit has to do with this email. I'm using an entirely new system to email T3G members, and it was surprisingly complicated to set up. Actually, this email would have went sooner but I ended up spending about three days trying to get it right. And I still don't know if it's gonna work as intended.
The idea is to have a monthly email go out that looks pretty, is somewhat interesting, and actually manages to reach the user (that's the hard part). If you don't mind, please reply to this email just to help me get some sending/receiving testing in. Hopefully some of you see this because if you don't, well... I guess America Online won this time.
If you do get this, but you don't want to get this, you can't give it back, sorry. You can, however, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom to have yourself removed from the mailing list. You won't need to log into your forum account to do so; it will remove you automatically after a confirmation.
Thanks for reading!
Founder and Operator
3rd Generation Toyota Tacoma Community
[email protected]
Lead how you want to be led.