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Instagram has gone to shit and I might be giving up


🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
This isn't new. It has obviously been getting worse and worse since Mark acquired it with Facebook.

But now I'm at the point where I might quit entirely.

The T3G account has taken up hundreds of hours of my time over the last 3 years. I built it on my own, organically, without any questionable tricks to gain followers. Around 6 months ago it was at the point where it would get 150-200 new followers a day. I was proud and 100k followers started to feel feasible. But the IG algorithm and engagement level has tanked its growth. Now, the account can get 1-5 followers a day or even lose followers.

It is stressful and I'm burnt out. I do not do this for clout. I do not look at these numbers like a popularity contest or like I'm some special influencer. I look at them as an advertisement for our forum. The account has 62.7k followers which means that many people could find the link to our forum but they won't because IG doesn't want them to.

The forum still gains a consistent 2-10 new members per day despite not having posted on the T3G account for 10 days. Part of me wants to stop completely. But part of me feels bad for neglecting it since I put so much time into building it.

I'm also pretty burnt out with posting to my personal Wandering Winterfields account. I feel like I just don't care anymore. "Here's another picture of my truck, yay?"


You guys been feeling like this or has all been well with your IG grind?
Yeah the zuck is a huge bitch. I’ve seen a bunch of people move to that parler site I believe it is. I have a feeling once that gets big though, mark will just try to buy them out too. I don’t really post much anymore either. If I get a new part for the truck or do something to the truck then I usually post it here or Instagram. Other than that I’m usually pretty quiet. I might start posting more though once I’m out of the military
I have also been thinking about killing off my personal IG account. I just am finding it a huge time drain.
I find the forum to be a great resource, and the people you've attracted here by cultivating by a better environment than TW are solid folks.

If I were you, I'd be less interested in numbers and Instagram, and more interested in continuing to build out three aspects of the forum:
1) technical data (Product reviews both formal and informal, how to's, troubleshooting, etc.)
2) trip reports and fun rig shots (rig of the month is an awesome aspect of this already)
3) find a goal to which the above aspects can contribute: income, your own personal sense of community, writing down/documenting your own search through life, or something else I'm not pondering :)
Honestly YouTube has distracted me from Instagram.. I'm following the money at the moment lol

But the thing with Instagram, similar to YouTube, is you need to post consistently. That's literally the only way to keep the numbers up.

Accounts that are posting daily are catching up/passing me followers-wise all the time because I only post every few days. Also, you now need to post IGTV and Reels to stay relevant on IG. There's been a huge push on their end to make Reels a thing so I believe they're boosting Reels posts. The few Reels I have posted get WAY more views/engagement than my actual posts.

More specific to Tacoma/truck feature page accounts, every page that is doing well uses only the cookie-cutter front end or front 1/4 view truck shots. That's because they tend to do better, and they're more eye-catching for people browsing hashtags.

Life is all about learning the algorithms at this point lol
My IG was initially truck/adventure stuff but I'm not always adventuring so it's got anything I find interesting on there. My friends like to see what's going on so that's fine with me. I only created it as a way to get people check out my YouTube but I currently have more IG followers (153) than YT subs (145). I know both of those are scrub numbers and I doubt it's going much higher. I have no idea what other channels are doing to get more attention but my inner voice is telling me I am even less funny and charismatic as I think I am. I'm surely not going to get into numbers where I get sent free truck stuff. That was my long term goal. So I'm just making videos and posts for my own edification now. I like taking good pictures and making cool videos. The trip is it's own reward, you know? That said, it is nice to know people are watching and enjoying them.

EDIT: Also, I have no interest in the Stories or Reels or IGTV and that probably isn't helping on that front. I don't really see the point of them.

EDIT2: @Tyler I admit I stopped following the T3G insta account. It's just pictures of trucks that will show up in my "things you might like" feed without having to be subscribed. I prefer your Wandering Winterfields account as it has more character.
I gave up on Instagram when they started that Tik tok type shit. Wasn’t really into watching a bunch of videos with bratty underage kids dancing around and acting like idiots.
I just deleted my account the other day. Not going back. I tried to set limits before, but ended up ignoring them and wasting more time. It is a huge time suck and a detriment to my mental health. I would literally lose sleep because I'd be scrolling mindlessly for a dopamine hit for hours. My engagement with Instagram was similar to what I believe an addict's engagement with drugs was like. I decided to go cold turkey and to put that time and energy to more healthy and productive things.

Edit: Also this "Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own." -Bruce Lee
First, Thanks for your time to make this site and keep it running.
I only go to Facebook around my birthday to thank friends for the wishes they send, I just don’t need or want a lot of what is posted there and I do not do any other social media stuff, Forums are it for me.
Sounds like everyone agrees. I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling the burn. But I do wish we had the IG from back when it started. Just photos in chronological order and no other BS.

I forgot to mention how much I dislike stories and reels and all the other crap. But you guys reminded me. Oh well.
My IG was initially truck/adventure stuff but I'm not always adventuring so it's got anything I find interesting on there. My friends like to see what's going on so that's fine with me. I only created it as a way to get people check out my YouTube but I currently have more IG followers (153) than YT subs (145). I know both of those are scrub numbers and I doubt it's going much higher. I have no idea what other channels are doing to get more attention but my inner voice is telling me I am even less funny and charismatic as I think I am. I'm surely not going to get into numbers where I get sent free truck stuff. That was my long term goal. So I'm just making videos and posts for my own edification now. I like taking good pictures and making cool videos. The trip is it's own reward, you know? That said, it is nice to know people are watching and enjoying them.

EDIT: Also, I have no interest in the Stories or Reels or IGTV and that probably isn't helping on that front. I don't really see the point of them.

EDIT2: @Tyler I admit I stopped following the T3G insta account. It's just pictures of trucks that will show up in my "things you might like" feed without having to be subscribed. I prefer your Wandering Winterfields account as it has more character.
Dude there have been many instances where I felt the same way, like people don't want to watch the content you are creating. Make the content you want to make. The content I had the most fun making & editing does the worst numbers wise, but I don't care because it makes me happy & it's enjoyable to do.

Those are the videos that motivate me and keep me in it, not the ones that catch the algorithm and get all the views.

The YouTube/IG markets are so saturated and every post is a fight to grab somebody's attention more than the other million photos/videos of the same genre.

If you really want to be successful on the platforms, you have to commit to posting consistently, learning how to make better content, and find a balance between quantity and quality of your content. Some accounts post low-quality videos daily and do well while some post amazing videos weekly or biweekly and do well.

Overall the thing I preach is this: if you don't enjoy making the content and you put pressure on yourself to get clicks/views, you won't be as successful.
I enjoy instagram. But I don't use it for promotion. I have been steady at whatever I'm at now. 4600 or something.But I just look at pics and post pica and the fact that it's useless as a marketing tool is actually a plus for me. Then there's the shuffledancing! I don't know If I'd be able to shit without that. Really has improved my bowel health tremendously.
I just changed my Instagram account to a professional account and that helped me for all of like 3 days. I’m back to a plateau of followers so I totally get it! I want to give up but I feel my truck build is still so young. I’m torn on it honestly!
I just changed my Instagram account to a professional account and that helped me for all of like 3 days. I’m back to a plateau of followers so I totally get it! I want to give up but I feel my truck build is still so young. I’m torn on it honestly!
Just a suggestion since you’re torn.

What do you intend to gain from your effort?

A gallery of memories that you can look back on? Meeting people you can wheel with in person?

Or do you intend to gain a decent following like some people have in order to receive sponsored items, invites, etc?

If the former, using it isn’t that bad. You’re not expecting anything. You might even enjoy scrolling through your camera roll and choosing the next photo you want to post. You might enjoy scrolling through your own page to see your truck’s journey. Minimal effort, minimal reward, but stress free.

If the later however, you will need to “try” harder. Understanding hashtag strategies, caption strategies, who to tag, what does well or not well as a photo, etc, are all important to gaining decent popularity. And this is where it gets stressful and can feel like a job or obligation, still with the same crappy payoff. I’ve been researching, learning, and applying those techniques for a few years now. I started to see the time and effort yield strong results. And now IG wants to kill it for all of us. So I don’t really recommend this goal as of now.
I don't have a personal instagram account, even my personal Facebook has nothing on it. two posts maybe and no photos. most social media is of course garbage and is only an avenue of advertising for business
I don't have a personal instagram account, even my personal Facebook has nothing on it. two posts maybe and no photos. most social media is of course garbage and is only an avenue of advertising for business
I agree with this sentiment. Before my truck page, I almost never used Facebook & would hop on IG once or twice a day to see what my friends on my personal acct were up to. Otherwise, I use Twitter for sports news.

I'm not back to using FB & IG heavily as they're good avenues to promote my page & YT..

It sucks. Social media isn't built for normal consumers anymore. Other than the ads like you mentioned.
I agree with this sentiment. Before my truck page, I almost never used Facebook & would hop on IG once or twice a day to see what my friends on my personal acct were up to. Otherwise, I use Twitter for sports news.

I'm not back to using FB & IG heavily as they're good avenues to promote my page & YT..

It sucks. Social media isn't built for normal consumers anymore. Other than the ads like you mentioned.
I agree with you guys. I hate it but it works well for professional stuff.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind FB being as popular as it is if it was the exact same FB as the one that killed MySpace. Back then it was simple and elegant. It had one job and it did the job very well. It allowed you to connect with family and friends and share your photos without any additional bullshit. That is what it was designed for and that is how it should've stayed. Of course, that's not how $$$ driven companies work.

Same goes for IG. I've been using IG since day one and on my personal account I have only ever followed people I know IRL and I did enjoy seeing their photos. I also enjoy(ed) posting my own for no purpose other than to, again, connect with real life friends. I have zero interest in every single other feature of IG. A chronological home feed and following only friends and not even using hashtags is a good formula for some basic social media, IMO. I don't even need videos; I liked only having photos. I also really hate posting and view stories (so I rarely do). Those are not what I joined for.
I just submitted a request to have my Facebook permanently deleted and it feels great. I have no idea what will happen to that T3G group but I also don't care and don't understand why people join that group when it clearly suggests coming here instead.

I never even read anything on Facebook, only advertised, but this still feels great.
I quit actively using FB years ago. Too much bullshit on there. I'd love to permanently delete it. Any of you guys know if that will effect any other apps? I know some require a facebook account to sign in etc. I use IG. Really liked before FB bought it and brought their bs along with them. Could care less about reels and stories. I just like photography. If I can still use IG after booting FB I'm going it.
I quit actively using FB years ago. Too much bullshit on there. I'd love to permanently delete it. Any of you guys know if that will effect any other apps? I know some require a facebook account to sign in etc. I use IG. Really liked before FB bought it and brought their bs along with them. Could care less about reels and stories. I just like photography. If I can still use IG after booting FB I'm going it.
You can still you IG the same. Even for my T3G account, which was connected to a T3G page on FB, which is now deleted, the T3G IG still works the same.