Maiden voyage of the rig. Went up into Mendocino National Forrest for a couple nights. Some lessons learned, some sketchy impassible roads, but it was a great weekend!
We went in from the North end of Clear Lake, starting up road M1. The broken rutted pavement was worse than actually being on the trail. The waypoints (below) were the planned route. The track (in black… forgot to turn it on at first…) shows the trail from the abandoned lookout tower to the campsite at the lake. The second day we tried to ascend the trail up the ridge to head north, but the snow drifts and shear drop off combo we decided to try another route around the other side. By the time we finally made it around the slogging through snow started and a couple of the rigs weren’t equipped for it so we pulled the plug and went back to the first camp.

With the recent storms and dead trees from the 2019 fire, there was a lot of chainsaw and winch action.

We went in from the North end of Clear Lake, starting up road M1. The broken rutted pavement was worse than actually being on the trail. The waypoints (below) were the planned route. The track (in black… forgot to turn it on at first…) shows the trail from the abandoned lookout tower to the campsite at the lake. The second day we tried to ascend the trail up the ridge to head north, but the snow drifts and shear drop off combo we decided to try another route around the other side. By the time we finally made it around the slogging through snow started and a couple of the rigs weren’t equipped for it so we pulled the plug and went back to the first camp.

With the recent storms and dead trees from the 2019 fire, there was a lot of chainsaw and winch action.

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