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Archived Do you use the T3G forum via mobile or desktop devices?

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
T3G Fam,

With some planned upgrades to the site coming, I'm looking for some simple data. Are you guys visiting the forum via mobile or desktop more? I have statistics like this available from other sources such as Google analytics, but I want it to compare it to your raw votes to further narrow it down.

Thank you!
I'm primarily on the desktop during work. Is there an app people use for forums while on mobile or are you guys just going through web browser?
I'm primarily on the desktop during work. Is there an app people use for forums while on mobile or are you guys just going through web browser?

T3G is just booked marked on my browser. No app but IMO it works just fine on my iPhone 7+
I'm primarily on the desktop during work. Is there an app people use for forums while on mobile or are you guys just going through web browser?
No app, the web browser is pretty much the same thing, including push notifications for Android.
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