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Archived August Rig of the Month and introducing: The Nobodys

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🔟 Mythical
Volunteer T3G Editor
The following message is a copy of the newsletter I sent out for this month. Posting it as a thread as well so it can be commented on if anyone actually wants to.

Tyler from Tacoma3G here!

I'm reaching out to let you know that our August "Rig of the Month" photo contest is open for submissions, and to give you some other community updates.

Rig of the Month: August 2020
As of January 2020, we run a monthly contest on our forum: Rig of the Month (RotM).

To enter, simply post a photo of your truck to this submission thread.

The photo with the most votes at the end of the voting phase will earn the "Rig of the Month" perks and some rad gear from T3G and $250 to this month's sponsoring vendor, @DECKEDUSA!


This month also has a specific photo theme that we've dubbed 'THICC TACO'. This theme requires all submitted photos to be taken from a rear angle of your truck, similar to the photo above. Let's see them Tacoma booty photos!

For full details on the contest and its submission and voting phases, please see the August RotM thread.

The Nobodys & T3G 2.0 (T3G2G? -- is that a thing? I think it's a thing.)
If you read last month's newsletter and have a better memory than I do (mine is slightly stronger than a goldfish memory), you might remember I hinted at a big overhaul to the T3G website: T3G 2.0, or T3G2G if we're feeling clever.

I've been turning internet wrenches round-the-clock to chip away at the overwhelmingly long to-do list I have for this overhaul. I mentioned a better online store, better interactions with our forum vendors, improvements to functionality for navigating to important tutorial / reference threads, easier-to-find new and hot forum posts, a juicy website homepage that isn't the forum, etc.

I'm extremely excited to develop these new features and improvements for the community. However, they will take a lot of time to fully test, polish, and eventually release, and some of them are areas that I am not fully equipped to dive into on my own.

Enter: The Nobodys


Despite him not being anybody, you may have heard of @Mr. Nobody from around the 3rd gen. Tacoma community.

Andy and his wife Nicole, aka The Nobodys, have been very active within our community over the last few years. You've probably seen their rig at our SoCal T3G meets, on various Instagram pages, websites, and in YouTube videos. Or maybe you know Andy as a former moderator and very active member of our forum.

They share the same enduring passion for the Tacoma3G and overland scene as my wife @Paige I and have. They have strengths where I have weaknesses regarding building a brand and online network within this industry. They couldn't be a better pair to team up with for the future of T3G and beyond.

Welcome to the team, guys.

On that note, there is obviously a lot going on behind the scenes for T3G. I just wanted to touch on some of our visions for the community and give an informal introduction to our new four-man team. As we progress, more info and live features will start popping up around the website and social media pages. If you are interested in tracking our updates directly, you are invited to keep your eye on the T3G 2.0 forum thread.

Thanks for reading! Please feel free to reach if you have any questions or suggestions regarding anything T3G!
Hey T3G!!

Super stoked to be back on as an admin and state publicly that the new things coming down the pipeline for T3G are going to be insanely good for everyone. I think you guys are really going to dig what's coming. @Tyler and I are super excited for the things to come and i can't wait for the big reveal. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for changes around the site!!
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