• Welcome to Tacoma3G.com, a free resource for 2016-2023 Toyota Tacoma owners!

    This website is the passion-project of a USMC veteran/mechanic, @Tyler. I created Tacoma3G.com to share my knowledge of this subject with others and to provide like-minded folks with a comfortable space to ask questions and create 'build threads' within our Tacoma Forums. Now, if the format of this website is confusing to navigate for you, or if you're interested in my full mission and T3G's history, check out the Help and About pages.

NorCal/Bay Area Meetup anyone?

Sweet! Yea if we get enough interest we’ll probably plan it out a month out so that people can plan around their schedules
I would be down. I won’t be able to make it to the April one, got plans to be in Arizona. But if another one is planned id for sure try and make it.
I just posted a thread this week looking to do the same. Im in Marin and would love a meet up. Anyone know where to look for those or should we plan one and invite everyone? I could secure a parking lot in the area so we could do a coffee and cars kind of thing