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    This website is the passion-project of a USMC veteran/mechanic, @Tyler. I created Tacoma3G.com to share my knowledge of this subject with others and to provide like-minded folks with a comfortable space to ask questions and create 'build threads' within our Tacoma Forums. Now, if the format of this website is confusing to navigate for you, or if you're interested in my full mission and T3G's history, check out the Help and About pages.

Best Off-Road Communication Devices


Authorized Vendor
Leaving the pavement to explore unknown territory can be exhilarating, but you already know that. Not having the proper tools and knowledge on the trail can really kill your off-road vibe, and turn a near life changing trip, into a horrendous one. (Trust me, I know.) Whether you’re in a large group of people or riding solo, communication is vital to a safe adventure. There are hundreds of ways of staying connected when you venture out, but depending on your location, the typical communication device may not work for you. Cell phones are popular amongst (literally) everyone in the world, and they of course, are the first thing most people jump to when it comes to sourcing communication. Depending on the trail, it is HIGHLY likely you will NOT have service. Without that precious signal, our cell phones are useless. We highly suggest just to invest in a backup communication device, I mean you can’t ever be TO prepared, right?

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