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Power Window Only Goes Down a Couple of Inches


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Power Window Only Goes Down a Couple of Inches. Why?

I am posting this as a question, then will mark answered because though I will be lecturing my betters, this was quite odd and I hope to help anyone else who has the same problem.

My power window in my Toyota Tacoma 2022, SR suddenly only went down a couple of inches, then stopped. Repeated attempts did the same. So I removed the door trim, and service hole covers and all according to Alldata DIY helpful instructions on power window repair, but stopped before I would have actually removed the power window mechanism (they call it the window regulator), which promised to be a real job since it is inside the door with limited access. A visual inspection revealed that there was a bump in the felt in the front glass run - that is the U shaped part that holds two pieces of felt that hold the window in. But the cause was not obvious.

So I loosened the bolt holding the front glass run. My model has just one bolt. CAUTION part 67404F, the front glass run has more than one variant; some have two bolts. Mine only has one bolt on the bottom. So then I could reach into the hole left behind by the door speaker and wiggle the run, and it then became obvious that the run and the upper part of the run that is welded to the door frame were out of alignment, so the glass hit the edge of the lower run.

Visibility is very limited at that junction, so it is not at all obvious how the two parts are supposed to be kept in alignment, which mine were not. But finally, playing around, I exposed a tab hidden behind the upper run. OOPS! At manufacture, the assembler should have put the tab inside the upper run between the felt and metal where it would keep them in alignment. So here is the fix procedure for when you can move the lower run out of alignment with your hand if the lower run bolt is loose - the tab that should be inside the upper run is outside of the upper run and it should be inside:
0. Using the window repair/removal instructions in Alldata DIY or TechStream will save you a lot of time and guesswork.
1. Loosen or remove the bolt(s) that hold that lower window run in place.
2. Hook up the window control switch assembly - you need only the big connector and turn on the ignition.
3. Turn on the ignition and run the window up.
4. Manually align the top and bottom runs.
5. Keep your fingers clear of anything that moves! Run the window all the way down while keeping the runs aligned.
6. Turn off ignition.
7. The felt slides easily inside the run, so pull down on the run until the tab is visible and the top of the tab is below the upper run.
8. Hold the felt with needlenose pliers and put the tab between the felt and metal of the upper run then push up till the metal parts hit.
9. If you have it right and the bolt hole line up with the thread, it will wiggle from side to side, but not much.
10. Smooth the felt if needed, then put the window edge in the felt and replace the bolt(s) that hold that lower run.
11. Turn on ignition and test the window up and down.
12. Remove the window control switch assembly again.
13. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly.

Hope this helps.